Posts Tagged ‘ tinybox ’

Glenn Jones: September 7, 2012 Hopscotch Festival, Memorial Auditorium (Raleigh, NC) – FLAC/MP3/Streaming

October 5, 2012

[Photo copyright 2012 by Abby Nardo]

I saw more incredible solo guitarists during the course of the Hopscotch Music Festival than I’ve seen in the rest of my life combined. Each man’s style left an impression, from the psychedelic leanings of Ben Chasny to the Piedmont blues influences of Chuck Johnson. Of all of these distinct and excellent players, none had a style of purer beauty than Glenn Jones. A devoted fan of John Fahey, arguably the founder of the American Primitivism style of guitar, Jones spent decades playing self-made compositions in his bedroom before finally gaining the courage to begin playing solo shows in public back in the early 2000s. (Jones was no stranger to performing in public generally, though – he has served as guitarist in the Boston-area instrumental band Cul de Sac since 1989.)  Today, Jones’ style draws not only from the country and blues that sparked American Primitivism, but also from classical guitar, which often gives his songs a lilting, elegiac quality that sets him apart from his peers.

Raleigh’s Memorial Auditorium might have been a daunting venue for a solo guitarist who used to be afraid of performing in front of crowds; asking Jones to hold the attention of the massive hall completely unaccompanied was no small request. But Jones not only held his own, but shone, giving us an hour of his compositions interspersed with narratives that expanded on the songs’ themes. A good chunk of the set draws from Jones’ latest and best solo record, the 2011 Thrill Jockey release The Wanting.  One of the most striking aspects of Jones’ playing, for guitar aficionados, is his abandonment of standard tunings (which he did about 25 years ago, by his count).  Jones used a different tuning for every song on The Wanting, and that gives that record – and this set – another distinction.

I recorded this set with Schoeps MK41 microphones and a North Carolina-made Naiant tinybox preamp. Recording relatively quiet music in a large hall presents challenges, and in this case, the overall recording level was lower than optimal for most of the set. This means that some hiss from the recorder’s internal components and the house PA can be heard in the recording. However, it remains a worthwhile document of Jones and what he has to offer.  Enjoy!

Thanks to Glenn Jones and his management for permitting us to offer this recording here, and to Terry Watts for the clamp space and running my rig.

Stream the entire set:

Please note that at the request of the artist, this set is available for streaming only.

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Check out all of NYCTaper’s Hopscotch Festival recordings

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Glenn Jones
Hopscotch Music Festival
Memorial Auditorium
Raleigh, NC USA

Recorded and produced by acidjack

Schoeps MK41 (DINa, DFC, FOB)>KCY>tinybox v2>Sony PCM-M10>24bit/44.1kHz WAV>Audacity (set fades, tracking, reduce applause, amplify, balance, downsample to 16bit)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Redwood Ramble Misremembered
02 [banter]
03 Like A Sick Eagle Staring at the Sky
04 [banter]
05 The Great Pacific Northwest
06 [banter]
07 The Paddle Wheel Nathan Bowles
08 [banter]
09 Going Back To East Montgomery
10 [banter]
11 Of Its Own Kind
12 [banter]
13 The Orca Grande Cement Factory at Victorville [w/ Chris Corsano]

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Glenn Jones, visit his website, and buy his records from Thrill Jockey [HERE]

THE FIELD RECORDINGS: January 4, 2012 Mercury Lounge – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

January 8, 2012

[Photos by acidjack]

The very first band I saw in 2012 was a bit of a shot in the dark – I wasn’t really aware of THE FIELD RECORDINGS (capitalization theirs), but scanning the first-week schedules of my regular haunts, I came across their gig with Clear Plastic Masks at Mercury Lounge, checked out their music on bandcamp, and liked what I heard.  The New Haven, CT threesome didn’t disappoint, delivering a set of ambitious, well-crafted guitar-driven noise pop.  Their upbeat guitar sound and penchant for unusual time changes recalls some bands of the mid-90s DC scene, The Dismemberment Plan in particular, while frontman Daniel Gallo’s vocals remind me of a younger, more caffeinated Lou Barlow (Gallo claims to have never listened to Sebadoh, so it would seem to be coincidental).  The band’s name derives from, as Gallo puts it, “that our songs are whatever is going on around us, socially, politically, and philosophically.  Which is a long way of saying that I don’t quite write about girls but I wish I did.”

No matter.  In the live setting, you’re likely to be paying more attention to the band’s infectious enthusiasm (Gallo’s in particular) and the tightness and professionalism of their playing – a sloppy indie band this is not. Gallo and drummer Jared Thompson have been playing music together since high school, and have been in the band’s current configuration since 2008 when bassist Noel Thomas joined, and the time spent building that chemistry shows. The band’s current record, The Elastic Nostaglia, is available for five bucks on their bandcamp page, and that’s money well spent for some of the most exciting music coming from our neighbor state to the northeast.  After gigging heavily for the last few years, the band is looking to take things to the next level this year – and if this show is any indication, they have a solid chance of doing it.

The most important factor in any Mercury Lounge recording is the quality and skill of the FOH team, and Kevin did not disappoint as usual with an outstanding house mix and board feed.  Schoeps supercardiod mics recorded the house mix. The sound quality is flawless. Enjoy!

Stream “Wide-Eyed Runners Kicking In Time”
[audio: Wide-Eyed Runners Kicking In Time.mp3]

Stream “(Caught Up In All the) Interludes”
[audio: (Caught Up in All the) Interludes.mp3]

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE] | Direct Download of the FLAC files [HERE]

Follow acidjack on twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Mercury Lounge
New York, NY USA

Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard + Schoeps MK41>KCY>tinybox >> Edirol R-44 [Oade Concert Mod]>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (mixdown, downsample to 44.1kHz, set fades, tracking, amplify and balance)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 We Will Become Strangers Faster Now
02 The Sad Catalogers
03 Lifelines of the Magical Thinkers
04 [banter]
05 Framing Happiness
06 Wide-Eyed Rumors Kicking In Time
07 Tell Me Tell Me Tell Me
08 [banter]
09 “The Sun Looked Down on Nothing New”
10 Here Comes the War Dept
11 (Caught Up In All the) Interludes

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT THE FIELD RECORDINGS, visit their website, and purchase The Elastic Nostalgia from their bandcamp page [HERE]

Stars: October 11, 2011 Music Hall of Williamsburg – FLAC/MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

December 22, 2011

Photo courtesy of Jill and For the Love of Brooklyn
[photos courtesy of Jill and For the Love of Brooklyn]

Montreal band Stars has long been one of my favorites. I first saw them at the now defunct Siren Festival of 2006, against the beautiful scenic backdrop that is Coney Island, and was blown away by their unique blend of pop and rock. Even though they now claim Montreal as their hometown, the band has deep NYC roots, having written their first song and several albums while living in a small West Side Apartment in the late ’90s, so it’s no surprise that they consistently return to their home away from home in the Big Apple.

We had the good fortune of seeing Stars at Music Hall of Williamsburg for a performance that was nothing short of outstanding. Their performance featured two never before played songs, To the Better Ones and Holes, offering up a moment of vulnerability, but also demonstrating their trust and connection with the audience.

Lead singer Torquil Campbell was also able to connect with the audience in a slightly different way, showing his jovial mood by kindly requesting that an audience member “pass the spliff” before playing the aforementioned To the Better Ones. Between moments like this and personal commentary about the heroes of Occupy Wall Street, it was clear that spirits were high and a genuine love for New York existed on this beautiful Brooklyn night.

I recorded this set using a pair of Schoeps MK41 hypercardioid microphones clamped to the center balcony railing. The samples I have chosen include Set Yourself on Fire, the self-titled track from their 2004 album, and my personal favorite Elevator Love Letter, a fitting tribute to our metropolis.

Stream “Set Yourself on Fire”

Stream “Elevator Love Letter”

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE]

Download the Complete show in FLAC [HERE].

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Photo courtesy of Jill and For the Love of Brooklyn

Music Hall of Williamsburg
New York, NY, US

Recordist : hi and lo
Location : DFC, clamped to balcony
Source : Schoeps MK41/CMR > Naint Tinybox > Sony PCM-M10 @ 24 bit / 48 kHz
Mastering : Wavelab 6 (Mixdown/EQ/Fades/resamping/dither) > Flac Level 8 with TLH v2.6.0 (Build 168)


01. Intro
02. Fixed
03. The Passenger
04. Take Me to the Riot
05. Wasted Daylight
06. Set Yourself on Fire
07. To the Better Ones
08. Dead Hearts
09. Ageless Beauty
10. Soft Revolution
11. Holes
12. Your Ex-Lover is Dead
13. Window Bird
14. We Don’t Want Your Body
15. How Much More
16. Reunion
17. Calendar Girl
18. (Encore Call)
19. One More Night
20. Bitches in Tokyo
21. The Ghost of Genove Heights
22. Changes
23. Elevator Love Letter

Running Time: 1:41:32

Please support Stars by visiting their Website. If you’ve enjoyed this recording, you may also purchase any of their wonderful albums directly from the band’s Store


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