Posts Tagged ‘ studio projects LSD2 ’

BRONCHO: August 8, 2012 Glasslands – FLAC / MP3 / Streaming

August 20, 2012

[Photos by acidjack]

BRONCHO, from Oklahoma, play a kind of nonchalant, grimy garage punk that might be more closely aligned with Bushwick or San Francisco. Theirs is a sound that is easily digested, infinitely catchy, and tailored perfectly to the limited attention spans of well air-conditioned summer crowds. This night at Glasslands gave the band an opportunity to run rapid-fire through another after another of two-minute burners, each with a ready-made hook and a sarcastic wit. Songs like “I Don’t Really Want to be Social”, “Try Me Out Sometime” and “Can’t Get Past the Lips” were among the highlights of this set, which focused on material from the band’s 2011 debut, Can’t Get Past the Lips. This was a high-energy set start to finish, punctuated by the yelps of lead vocalist Ryan Lindsey. Summer’s the perfect season to wrap your ears around some BRONCHO, and they’re swinging through the Midwest and California for the rest of summer, followed by the south in October, so if you’re in the path of their tour, check it out!

I recorded this set with our house rig at Glasslands, a Studio Projects LSD2 large diaphragm microphone and a soundboard feed from Jeremy, the engineer at Glasslands. The result gives you all the high-energy feeling of being there. Enjoy!

Stream “Can’t Get Past the Lips”
[audio: Can’t Get Past the Lips.mp3]

Stream “I Don’t Really Wanna Be Social”

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE] |  Direct Download of the FLAC files [HERE]

Follow acidjack on twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Brooklyn, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard + Studio Projects LSD2 (xy cardiod, DFC)>Sound Devices USBPre2>>Edirol R-44 [OCM]>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Audition (align, mixdown)>Izotope Ozone 5 (light EQ and tube effect)>Audacity (set fades, tracking, mixdown, amplify, balance, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Blown Fuse
02 What
03 Try Me Out Sometime
04 Record Store
05 It’s On
06 I Don’t Really Wanna Be Social
07 I Wanna Put It Where Kurt Put It
08 Impressions
09 I’m Gonna Find Out
10 Losers
11 Get Off My Reservations
12 Psychiatrist
13 Can’t Get Past the Lips
14 Class

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT BRONCHO, visit their website, and purchase Can’t Get Past the Lips from Guestroom Records [HERE]

Port St. Willow: July 30, 2012 Glasslands – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

August 8, 2012

[photo by wagz2it – courtesy of aheartisaspade blog]

Port St. Willow is Nick Principe’s solo project and this past year he returned to the East coast from Portland after having grown up in the New York area. He is a childhood friend and early collaborator with Peter Silbermann from The Antlers, and while there are similarities in the music of the two bands, there are also very divergent styles between the two old friends. Last Monday at Glasslands, Port St. Willow opened the secret Glasslands show. Their set was relatively short and consisted of six of the eleven songs from the May 2012 self-release Holiday. The album is a remarkable collection of atmospheric mood pieces, but live with the addition of a drummer the songs take on an immediate feel. At Glasslands, the duo took time to develop each song with a gentle lead-in evolving ultimately into a full-on symphonic crescendo. Port St. Willow is poised to move to the next level — it would hardly be surprising if an established indie label picked up Holiday for wider release. And given the talent for songcraft and live performance, we expect that this band will be a regular on NYCTaper for years to come.

I recorded this show in the same manner as the Antlers set, and the sound quality is outstanding. Enjoy!

Stream “Five Five Two Five”:

Direct download of complete show in MP3 files (HERE)

Direct download of complete show in FLAC files [HERE].

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Port St. Willow
Glasslands Gallery
Brooklyn, NY USA

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Audience Matrix

Soundboard + Studio Projects LSD2 (XY Cardioid) > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, set fades, downsample) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and Tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper

[Total Time 36:24]
01 Amawalk
02 On Your Side
03 Corners
04 Five Five Two Five
05 Tourist
06 North

If you download these recordings from NYCTaper we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Port St. Willow, and visit the Bandcamp page to purchase Holiday [HERE].

The Antlers: July 30, 2012 Glasslands Gallery – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

August 1, 2012

[photo courtesy of Chad from The – full set here]

The Antlers “secret” show at Glasslands Gallery on Monday was announced in the morning and sold out within a few minutes. For a band that sold out the 1200-capacity Webster Hall the last time they played New York, The Antlers took the opportunity of this small surprise gig to play for an extremely worthwhile charitable effort. is an organization that provides safe and clean drinking water to developing nations, and this concert raised more than $4000 for the cause. The Antlers also treated the crowd to a run-through their brand new four-song EP Undersea (Anti Records). The EP represents the continued maturity in the songwriting talents of this superb band, as each of the four tracks are less lyrically driven and more intense sonic atmospheric pieces. That’s not to say that Peter Silberman’s voice doesn’t soar at several points during the EP, but this is a band that has taken the studio like a fish to water and the results are astounding. At Glasslands, the EP was performed straight through and the live setting offered some challenges, but the band was prepared and the songs flowed naturally. We are streaming “Crest” from the EP. The balance of the set consisted of selected tracks from Hospice and Burst Apart, songs that continue to mature and develop as live performances. After a profound “Dog To Sleep”, the band returned for two encores the final of which was a brilliant “Wake”, which we are also streaming below. The Antlers will be on tour for the next several months, but return to NYC for a gig at the newly arrived ATP Festival on September 22.

I recorded this set utilizing our installed recording rig at Glasslands, the Studio Projects LSD2 mics and an excellent board feed. The sound quality of this recording is superb. Enjoy!

If you download this recording, we ask that you further the cause and visit the website to contribute to [HERE].

Stream “Crest”:

Stream “Wake”:

This Recording is now available for Download in FLAC and MP3 at [HERE]

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

The Antlers
Glasslands Gallery
Brooklyn, NY USA

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Audience Matrix

Soundboard + Studio Projects LSD2 (XY Cardioid) > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, set fades, downsample) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and Tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper

[Total Time 1:40:10]
01 Drift Dive
02 Endless Ladder
03 [banter – home]
04 Crest
05 [banter – Undersea]
06 Zelda
07 [banter –]
08 Rolled Together
09 Parentheses
10 No Widows
11 Atrophy
12 [banter – monsters]
13 Shiva
14 Two
15 Hounds
16 [banter – thanks]
17 Putting The Dog to Sleep
18 [encore break]
19 I Don’t Want Love
20 Wake

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT The Antlers, visit their website, and purchase Undersea from their site [HERE].

Naam: May 12, 2012 Glasslands – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

June 6, 2012

[Live at the Comet Tavern, Seattle WA. Photo courtesy of Bridget Christian under Creative Commons License. See her Flickr stream [HERE]]

After catching the Brooklyn psych metal band Naam opening for Monster Magnet at the beginning of the year (recording [HERE]), I couldn’t wait to hear more. We got the chance on a recent Saturday as the band headlined at Glasslands to celebrate the release of their new Ballad of the Starchild EP by playing almost the entire record straight through. Starchild is styled as five-part suite, and adds overt Eastern influences (sitar anyone?) to the band’s bottom-heavy psych rock sound. And by “bottom heavy”, I simply mean that bassist John Preston Bundy need not fear being an underappreciated member of this band.

Starchild is beautifully mixed in an overtly classic rock style that suits the band’s sound- and I’m pleased to report that Naam’s live sound once again possessed all of the power and poise of their recorded output. It’s no accident that this is a band that has “crossover appeal” between metalheads and psych rock fans alike; they strike a balance between musical exploration and raw power that almost anyone can appreciate. Foregoing the last track of Starchild in evident frustration at an early closing time for the venue, the band instead rewarded us with the sprawling “Kingdom”, their longest number and one of their best. Although this was a shorter set than we (and they) would have liked, it was still a great introduction to this EP.

hi and lo recorded this set with the NYCTaper-installed “house rig”, a Studio Projects LSD2 large-diaphragm stereo mic, plus a well-balanced soundboard feed. There is some DI-related distortion in the first song, but once that clears up, this set is flawless in sound. Enjoy!

Stream “The Starchild”

Stream “Lands Unknown”

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE]

Download the Complete show in FLAC [HERE].

Follow acidjack on twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Brooklyn, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded by hi and lo
Produced by acidjack

Soundboard + Studio Projects LSD2 (xy cardiod)>Tascam DR-680 (24/48)>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (mixdown, set fades, tracking, amplify and balance)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Sentry of Skies
02 Lands Unknown
03 History’s Son
04 The Starchild
05 [banter]
06 Kingdom

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Naam, visit their website, and purchase The Ballad of the Starchild and their other releases from Tee Pee Records [HERE]

Young Prisms: March 5, 2012 Glasslands – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

March 12, 2012

[photo courtesy of Bleary Eyed Brooklyn]

One of the rewarding aspects of witnessing a band live for the first time is the recognition that despite youthfulness, the artists understand what has come before. Young Prisms are aptly named — the band members are in their early 20’s, but could pass for high school kids. But as soon as the instruments are plugged in and the first song is counted in, they age immediately. The San Francisco natives play psych-rock as if they were born in the 60s and they play it with confidence and maturity. The dual guitars and drums are out front, and the heavily reverbed dream-like vocals fit comfortably in the mix. As another excellent signing by Kanine Records, Young Prisms are also productive. Their latest album will be their third full length, and they’ve also released an EP and several split 7″ singles. In Between will be released by Kanine on March 27, and at Glasslands last Monday, Young Prisms played a set heavy with the new material, and the strength of the new songs is readily apparent from first listen. We are streaming “Four Hours (Away)” which closed the set on a high note.

I recorded this set with the new permanently-installed ‘nyctaper’ microphones at Glasslands. The Studio Projects LSD2 is a single-body stereo-microphone configured in the XY cardioid setting and is mounted in the center pole approximately fifteen feet from the stage. The mics are mixed with a soundboard feed and the sound quality is superb. Enjoy!

Stream “Four Hours (Away)”:

Direct download of complete show in MP3 files (HERE)

Download the Complete show in FLAC [HERE]

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Young Prisms
Glasslands Gallery
Brooklyn, NY USA

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Audience Matrix

Soundboard + Studio Projects LSD2 (XY Cardioid) > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 24bit 48kHz wav file > Soundforge (level adjustments, set fades, downsample) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and Tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper

[Total Time 44:33]
01 [new song]
02 Midnight’s When
03 Breathless
04 I’m Not Hiding
05 To Touch You
06 Softer
07 Better Days
08 Floating in Blue
09 Dead Flowers
10 Four Hours Away

If you download this recording from NYCTaper we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Young Prisms, visit their Facebook page, and pre-order In Between directly from Kanine Records [HERE]

Widowspeak: March 3, 2012 Glasslands – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

March 5, 2012

[Photos by acidjack]

Since we last checked in with Widowspeak at our CMJ Day Party, their star has only continued to rise.  It’s always a good sign when, months after a band’s initial record release (and therefore, the peak in the PR hype cycle) their shows are more crowded than they were then.  This Saturday night, Glasslands was completely packed-to-the-rafters sold out, which always gives this venue great energy.  Clearly, Widowspeak has been busy since the release of their eponymous debut album on Captured Tracks.  This show found the band leading off with a new song, “Camel” and playing a number of other new numbers, including some played for the first time.

While vocalist Molly Hamilton’s style has earned a few comparisons to artists like Cat Power, fortunately, her stage persona does not.  Since the first time I saw the band, Hamilton has gained scads of confidence and poise – she smiles quite a lot onstage now, and her playing and delivery benefit from her positive attitude. Widowspeak are what I think of as a winter band – their downbeat sound is practically a touchstone of several of the members’ roots in the Pacific Northwest – but it’s a sound that, paradoxically, makes me happy.  There’s the nostalgia aspect, sure, but there’s also the patient songcraft, the authenticity, and the strength of the band and its sound.  Pretty much everything about Widowspeak is something I can pull for.

The band played on this night with a second guitarist, which gave songs like “In the Pines” (perhaps my favorite of all the band’s songs) new density and heft.  Of the new material, the standout for me was “7 Minutes”, a slightly more upbeat guitar-driven track that is one of the most anthemic songs the band has attempted to date.  The set closed with the band’s biggest song to date, “Harsh Realm”, another excellent song that is always a crowd pleaser.

In a collaboration with the new management team at Glasslands (also the team behing PopGun Booking), I recorded this set with a newly-installed recording rig provided for the club by nyctaper.  Overall I am pleased with the results, with the caveat that you can hear some issues with one of the kick drum mics and one of the guitar amps at a few points in the recording.  Enjoy!

Stream “7 Minutes”
[audio: 7 Minutes.mp3]

Stream “In the Pines”
[audio: In the Pines.mp3]

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE] | Direct Download of the FLAC files [HERE]

Follow acidjack on twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Brooklyn, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard + Studio Projects LSD2 (XY cardiod, DFC)>Sound Devices USBPre2 >> Edirol R-44 [Oade Concert Mod]>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Audition (Izotope Ozone effects, balance, downsample)>Audacity (set fades, tracking)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Camel
02 Gun Shy
03 Hard Times
04 Burnout
05 Puritan
06 Fun
07 Half Awake
08 Nightcrawlers
09 In the Pines
10 7 Minutes
11 Harsh Realm

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, PLEASE SUPPORT Widowspeak, visit their Facebook page, visit their Bandcamp page, and purchase their newly-released eponymous LP from Captured Tracks.


DISCLAIMER and LEGAL NOTICE is a live music blog that offers a new paradigm of music distribution on the web. The recordings are offered for free on this site as are the music posts, reviews and links to artist sites. All recordings are posted with artist permission or artists with an existing pro-taping policy.

All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.