Posts Tagged ‘ soundboard ’

Color Green: November 21, 2024 Tubby’s

December 6, 2024

What would you do if I told you that a four-piece rock and roll band is driving around in a van and kicking all sorts of ass at venues across the country?  What if I also told you that it features screaming guitar harmonies with intricate melodic interplay propped up by one of the most badass rhythm sections you’ll see this year? What if I told you this band is called “Color Green,” and they are on tour right now?

What started as a duo recording project has morphed into a four-piece band. With that transition has come a clearer focus on the songs and playing. On their excellent new record, “Fool’s Parade,” the stoney haze of the earlier releases is joined by more focused songwriting, well-structured dueling guitars, and a rhythm section ready for battle. It’s like adding a touch of Heron Oblivion to your Burrito Brothers.

While standing outside preshow, Noah mentioned they would start us off slow before hitting the throttle, and that’s exactly how it played out. Opening with the contemplative “Through The Looking Glass,” the band and audience had a minute to calibrate before it was time, as Casey Rose stated, to “have some fun,” and, for the next 45 minutes, that’s precisely what happened.  The back half of this set, from “Coronado” through “Kick The Bucket,” featured wildly dynamic guitar playing that was a thrill to hear.  It’s rare to find two guitarists who so actively listen to each other to create that sort of experience.

Color Green is closing out its tour with only a few West Coast dates remaining. West Coast tapers get out to a show! The world needs more live Color Green!

You might notice that the picture at this post’s beginning isn’t very good. That’s because I was too busy standing in the back by my gear, crushing beers, and playing air guitar to remember to move up and get a quality shot. This was a straight-up scorcher, a no-bull-shit rock show. 

I recorded this from the usual spot with an excellent board feed from Tubby’s FOH engineer Wil.  The sound is fantastic.

Download and stream form the Live Music Archive!

Color Green
Kingston, NY

Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Thanks to Tubby’s FOH engineer Wil for the board patch!

recorded and produced by kliked for

  1. Intro
  2. Through the Looking Glass
  3. When The Clouds Roll In
  4. God In A $
  5. Sour Grapes
  6. Coronado
  7. Four Leaf Clover
  8. Night
  9. Kick The Bucket
  10. You Wreck Me

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Sean Thompson’s Weird Ears: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

December 2, 2024

Photo by Christopher Bruno

The NYCTaper coverage of the 2024 Deep in the Valley festival continues with Sean Thompson’s Weird Ears!

I’m going to be completely upfront about this: This was the set I was most looking forward to going into the event, simply because I’d been pestering Andy from Raven Sings The Blues for at least two years to get Sean Thompson to play Deep In The Valley.

Sean is a guitar player, songwriter, and generally good dude from Nashville. I’ll skip the background info; you can get all that on a recent episode of Good Friend of the Site J. M. Hart’s consistently excellent Brokedown Podcast. The critical thing to glean from the interview is that Sean is now actively writing and focusing his energy on the “Weird Ears” project. 

I was lucky to sit with several people who were unfamiliar with Sean’s work before this set. With “country music,” in whatever that means, having a bit of a moment in the larger psych/improv/jam scene, it’s easy to draw comparisons to more well-known names. In the moment, I attempted to sell it to the uninitiated as “similar to the name brand country-tinged jam folks but more authentic, weirder, and much more psychedelic.” To me, that translates to way more interesting, but that doesn’t do Sean’s work justice, and, to be fair, it was just lazy on my part. 

Luckily for Sean, he doesn’t need me to sell you on this; him and his band will do it on their own.  This excellent-sounding set features tracks from his superb Selt Titled 2022 album as well as some new jammers, including the latest single, “Ridin’ In The Van,” which has a brand new video (debuting today!) to go along with it:

Ridin’ In the Van

Pre order your copy of the new Weird Ears album “Head In The Sand” (out February 7) here. If he makes it back to the Hudson Valley for a proper full length set you can be sure I’ll be there!

I recorded this set with my MBHOs at the stage lip and a phenomenal soundboard feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout.  Play it LOUD.

Download and stream from the Live Music Archive!

Sean Thompson’s Weird Ears
Deep in The Valley Festival
From The Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Recorded and produced by kliked for

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

  1. Raspberry Pie
  2. New Trailway Boogie
  3. Before The Flowers Bloom
  4. Ridin In The Van
  5. Street People

Please support this excellent artist!

Please support Raven Sings The Blues!

Photo by Christopher Bruno:

Weak Signal: October 4, 2024 Tubby’s

November 25, 2024

When you pull on the string dangling off Weak Signal’s hoodie what unravels is the last 60 years of NYC’s music history.  Which is probably why they aren’t huge.

I have this belief that some of the best things from New York, particularly NYC, can’t truly be understood by outsiders. In a just world, “I’m Waiting for the Man” would have been a far bigger hit in 1967 than “Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie” just as M.O.P’s “Heistmasters” should have been a bigger hit than “Fantastic Voyage” in 1994. Maybe the grim realities of New York City are more than most people can, or want, to handle.  

There is a sound to NY, and anyone with the city in their bloodstream knows it. In his genuinely incredible piece on DJ Premiere’s work, Dave Thompkins wrote, “Premier’s loyalty to his sound is a dedication to neighborhoods still living the same crisis narrative that played out in his music two decades ago. Nothing will ever displace Group Home’s “Livin’ Proof” in a piercing January wind.” Listening to Weak Signal is hearing the street-wise coolness of the VU directly alongside the hard-hitting realities of Mobb Deep because it’s rooted in the same crisis narrative Premiere accessed: the reality of living and creating art in NY. This isn’t  a band built for Instagram and lifestyle influencers.  This is a band built for people who work in bars that don’t have websites; for the blue paper 10 ounce coffee cup that says “we are happy to serve you” in a vaguely Greek font.

On their new record, “Fine” (12XU), you’ll find the usual cocktail of snarling guitar tones mixed with equally cynical lyrics. They’ve added a floater to that of the most refined production of their career which helps to highlight bassist Sasha Vine and drummer Tran Huynh. I always found this to be one of the most exciting rhythm sections working today. You can really feel the swagger on this record. This is Weak Signal standing on the corner, taunting the condo developer while making sure Halal cart guy’s spot is secured. There will always be someone to represent the sound of NYC.  And right now, that’s Weak Signal.

I recorded this from my usual spot in the back with my MBHOs and an killer soundboard feed from Tubby’s FOH engineer Kyle. The sound quality is fantastic!

Download and stream form the live music archive!

Weak Signal
Kingston, NY

Source: MBHO440 + SDB > SD MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

recorded and produced by kliked

Thanks to Tubby’s FOH engineer Kyle for the board patch

  1. Out On A Wire
  2. Poor People
  3. Hallelujah Baby
  4. Chill
  5. Rich Junkie
  6. Spooky Feeling
  7. Disappearing
  8. Yr Deal
  9. Wannabe
  10. Drugs In My System
  11. Tell Me How You Like It

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Shannon Lay: June 28, 2024 Tubby’s

October 2, 2024

Shannon Lay’s new single “Mirrors” got a lot of play around my house this Spring.  It’s beautifully recorded and sounds like the sunlight that filters through the trees and lights up my kitchen while I cook. So it was a pretty sweet and timely surprise to see her coming to Tubby’s on a stacked triple bill with Anna St. Luis and Shana Fullana.

Shannon’s songs are so intricately crafted that it’s had to find a single point to dissect them.  Do you lead with the profoundly introspective lyrics or the mind-boggling finger-style guitar playing?  Or maybe you should focus on her tremendous vocal control? 

I will start with the guitar playing because I spent most of the night trying to understand it. Her technical command seemed effortless but was never overshadowed by the profoundly emotional resonance of her playing. Her playing came from a place of pure vulnerability, drawing listeners in with the raw intensity of her expression.

The set was drawn from her entire catalog and included the aforementioned “mirrors” and stellar covers by Elliott Smith and Karen Dalton. Every song felt like a highlight, but a particular moment felt most affirmative.  After a brief acknowledgment of Kingston’s parking woes (a local hot topic), she settled into “Come Together” off 2017’s “Living Water” and somehow, what started as a discussion of parking tickets turned into a moment where could collectively reflect on all of the outside pressures and ills. We could choose to ignore those stressors and move forward to positivity:

“We all have enough

Come on shake your broken shoulders

Come on move your broken shoes

Come together”

I’d like to give a special shout-out to the Tubby’s crowd on this particular evening. Generally speaking, recording solo acoustic singer-songwriters in a bar is an exercise in futility.  You can only do so much limiting, but everyone was incredibly respectful of the songs and performers, and you can hear that in the recording.  The quality is excellent, so please enjoy.

Download and stream from the live music archive!

Shannon Lay
Kingston, NY

Source: MBHO440 + SDB > SD MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag
Recorded and produced by kliked for

Thanks to Tubby’s FOH engineer Wil for the board patch

  1. A Thread to Find
  2. Sure
  3. Angeles*
  4. The moons detriment
  5. Recording 15
  6. Come Together
  7. Mirrors
  8. Coast
  9. Simpsons Interlude
  10. All this life goin down
  11. Rare to wake
  12. Awaken and Allow
  13. Something On Your Mind^

*Elliott Smith

^Karen Dalton

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    75 Dollar Bill: September 30, 2023 Tubby’s Fifth Anniversary

    September 11, 2024

    The NYCTaper coverage of the Tubby’s Fifth Anniversary continues with 75 Dollar Bill!

    On March 7, 2020 I went to Tubby’s to see 75 Dollar Bill.  I had contacted Che beforehand via email to ask permission to record, and he was gracious enough to approve. So for the duration of their two sets, I stood as still as possible (so as not to create phasing issues with the tiny mics clipped to my hat) and recorded what eventually became the “Live at Tubby’s” album.  I knew during the performance I was witnessing something special.  The feeling in the room was electric with everyone completely lost in the polyrhythms and endless white-hot solos being fired off from the band. It was easy, in the moment, to be oblivious to what was on the horizon.  

    In the coming days and months, that recording became something else completely. 75 Dollar Bill’s record “I Was Real” got good press, but the band couldn’t play to support it. Tubby’s, a new venue at the time, had just had its highest-profile show to date and now had to shut its doors. No one knew when things would return to normal.  The band released the recording as a “pay what you want” on one of the first “band camp Fridays.” Then, a label chose to press it to vinyl. Then Rolling Stone put it on its year-end list.  Suddenly, during a time when no one could go anywhere, a tiny venue in the Hudson Valley had a worldwide reputation. That recording became a reminder of what was and what could, hopefully, be again someday. Since that release, word has gotten out, and tons of excellent bands have come through, but it is safe to say that 75 Dollar Bill was the first “big” name associated with Tubby’s.  

    When Cory first mentioned that he was planning a large-scale celebration for Tubby’s fifth anniversary, 75 Dollar Bill’s inclusion seemed obvious.  The last set of the weekend to take place in the actual venue had to be them, and that’s precisely what happened.  The same lineup from that night in 2020, supplemented with three additional members, set up on the floor in the front room by the bar and took us on a journey.  

    The set opened with “Water in the Lock,” which should have been the first track on “Live at Tubby’s,” had I not missed the intro and started the recording halfway through. A run of “Tetuzi Akiyama” off the aforementioned “I Was Real” was next before the band jumped head-first into the meat of the set. First was a new composition titled “21,” in which the band stretched out to over 26 minutes of dense rhythms and solos. The night closed, just as it did in 2020, with a 20+ minute version of WZN#3 with Tim Barnes leading the charge on Maraca. 

    I recorded this set with the same little AT-853’s and Roland R-07 I used in 2020 blended with a soundboard feed from Tubby’s FOH team of Wil and Kyle.  The quality is excellent and full of life so enjoy it loud and be happy we can all celebrate music together in person again. 

    Download and stream from the live music archive.

    75 Dollar Bill
    Kingston, NY

    Source 1: SP-CMC-4U (AT853 cards, low sens mod) > SPSb-11 > R-07
    Source 2: SDB > MixPre 3
    Source 1 + Source 2 > Adobe CC (time align, EQ, compression) > Audacity (tracking, fades) > FLAC (lvl 8)
    Recorded and produced by kliked for

    1. Intro
    2. Water in the Lock
    3. Tetuzi Akiyama
    4. 21
    5. WZN#3

    Thanks to Tubbys FOH engineers Wil for the patch and Kyle for the mix!
    This was part of Tubby’s 5 Year anniversary celebration.

    75 Dollar Bill Little Big Band:
    Rick Brown – Plywood crate, percussion
    Che Chen -Guitar
    Karen Waltuch – Viola
    Cheryl Kingan – Baritone Sax
    Steve Maing – Guitar
    Sue Garner – Bass
    Tim Barnes – Maraca
    Talice Lee – violin
    Barry Weisblat – cowbell, maraca
    Jim Pugliese – congas

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    Seawind of Battery: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

    August 27, 2024

    Photo by Christopher Bruno

    The NYCTaper coverage of the 2024 Deep in the Valley festival continues with Seawind of Battery! 

    Mike Horn brought his Seawind of Battery project to open this beautiful day on the farm. Mike is no stranger to this blog, but it’s the first time we have featured him since the release of his gorgeous new album, “East Coast Cosmic Dreamscaper” on Warhen Records.  Mike was kind enough to send me an advanced copy of the album and I was instantly impressed with the direction he has taken this project.  He could have released “clockwatching pt 2” and made many people happy but chose to continue to explore ambinet landscapes finding a zone that’s more cosmic and less country. I don’t think Mike is close to running out of space to move this project. 

    On this afternoon the Battery powered us with its duo configuration of Mike on signature telecaster and effects and Jarrod Annis on lap steel. The set opened with “Maze of Roses” the first of three songs from the excellent new album.  It was followed with a personal favorite, “New Moon” which I first heard last summer when they come up to play Tubby’s. Structurally the tune remains the same but there is an obvious confidence that the duo, with a year more experience together, can now project. The cosmic dance feels more like cosmic swagger now. 

    Beginning  9/11, Mike will host a bi-monthly show with CAMP Radio (3pm EST / 9pm CEST) called “Battery Operated.” This show will be a sonic journey through experimental, psychedelic, ambient, cosmic Americana, and spiritual Jazz.  Tune in and get recharged!

    This was recorded from stage lip with my MBHOs and wonderful soundboard feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout. The quality is fantastic! Enjoy!

    Download and stream from the live music archive!

    Seawind of Battery
    Deep in The Valley Festival
    From The Ground Brewery
    Red Hook, NY

    Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

    Recorded and produced by kliked for

    Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

    1. Maze of Roses
    2. New Moon
    3. Supernatural
    4. Clockwatching

    Please support this excellent artist!

    Please support Raven Sings The Blues!

    Photo by Christopher Bruno:

    Vague Plot: August 9, 2024 Tubby’s

    August 23, 2024

    As if the 2024 Deep In The Valley festival wasn’t enough, the good folks at Raven Sing the Blues organized an incredible preshow kick-off the night before at Tubby’s.  This Friday night bill included Jeffery Alexander & The Heavy Lidders, Oneida, and appearing for the first time at Tubby’s, Vague Plot. 

    Vague Plot began as a jam session and coalesced into a full-time band with their first release on Island House. Their origins in jam sessions blur into their sense of composition. What’s spontaneous? What’s orchestrated? Does it matter when the when the results are thrilling? To me, it certainly doesn’t. Each of these tunes is filled with dynamic and interesting playing, from the dual guitar work of Zachary Cale and Uriah Theriault to the sax and keyboard excursions from Phil Jacob to the pulsing rhythm section of Ben Copperhead and John Studer.  A personal favorite of the night, “Time Blind” sees the band’s ability to weave ideas together into a patchwork of repetitive and hypnotic playing. Is it written? Is it a jam? Who cares, it sounds great! 

    Vague Plot has some September dates lined up including two (9/28 & 29) with Sunburned Hand of the Man and Jeffery Alexander & The Heavy Lidders. There is also a 9/12 show with long time favorites The Ladybug Transistor.  Get out and see a show! 

    I recorded this from my usual spot by the soundboard with the MBHOs and a board feed from Tubby’s FOH engineer Wil.  Enjoy! 

    Download and stream from the Live Music Archive!

    Vague Plot
    Kingston, NY

    Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

    Recorded and produced by kliked for

    Thanks to Tubby’s FOH engineer, Wil, for the board patch!

    1. Moto2. Cyclic
    3. Bats from the Sky
    4. Time Blind
    5. F13 > Depot

    Vague Plot is:
    Phil Jacob: Sax, Electric Keyboard, Vocals
    Zach Cale: Electric Guitar, Vocals
    Uriah Theriault: Electric Guitar
    Ben Copperhead: Bass, Vocals
    John Studer: Drums

    Please support this excellent artist!

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    Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

    August 19, 2024

    Photo by Christopher Bruno

    The NYCTaper coverage of the 2024 Deep in the Valley festival continues with Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders! 

    Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders became the first group to play at the festival twice, having appeared in year one.  For this set, the core four were joined by Wednesday Knudsen (sax) and Ron Schneiderman (guitar), and John Moloney (percussion) fresh off their set with Sunburned Hand of The Man.  The septet configuration of the Lidders gave us a one-song set. One 45-minute version of the classic psychedelic mind fuck, “Dark Star.” 

    Phil Lesh once said, “Dark Star is always playing somewhere.  All we do is tap into it.”  On this day, Dark Star was being played in a field near an apple Orchard in Red Hook NY and the Lidders absolutely tapped into it. Rumor has it, upon playback, one member of the band had a full psychedelic experience complete with walls moving.  Live, it hit me so hard I was forced back to my camping chair to recalibrate for about ten minutes.  Your mileage may vary. 

    This was recorded from stage lip with my MBHOs and wonderful soundboard feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout.  The quality is excellent.  Get your mind right and blast off! 

    Stream and download from the Live Music Archive!

    Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders
    Deep in The Valley Festival
    From The Ground Brewery
    Red Hook, NY

    Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

    Recorded and produced by kliked for

    Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

    1. Dark Star*

    The Heavy Lidders are:
    Jeffrey Alexander – guitar, vocal
    Drew Gardner – guitar,
    Jesse Sheppard – bass
    Scott Verrastro – drums


    John Moloney – Percussion
    Wednesday Knudsen – Sax
    Ron Schneiderman – Guitar

    Please support this excellent artist!

    Please support Raven Sings The Blues!

    Photo by Christopher Bruno:

    Idle Ray: September 29, 2023 Tubby’s Fifth Anniversary

    June 10, 2024

    The NYCTaper coverage of Tubby’s Fifth Anniversary returns with Idle Ray!

    Idle Ray’s set in the arc of the Tubby’s anniversary party was crucial. The day had started pretty bleak. Massive storms had essentially made travel out of New York City impossible, and several bands, and fans, had to cancel travel arrangements. I had been at the venue the previous night setting up gear and staff morale was super high. When I got back that afternoon I arrived to less than peak vibes, but things started turning around quickly. A couple drinks, the first band hitting the stage, a surprise fill in from Wild Pink and suddenly things were looking good. By the time Idle Ray hit, no one was talking about the storm. It was party time.

    Idle Ray’s inclusion on the bill made perfect sense. Fred Thomas, Idle Ray’s primary songwriter, is a long time veteran of Detroit’s vibrant music scene with credits on far too many records to list. He has performed several times at Tubby’s as part of the excellent Detroit based DIY/Punk band Tyvek and is also in Winged Wheel with one of Tubby’s owners. Recorded mainly during Covid, the Idle Ray project was created as an attempt at “going back to basics of recording on cassette four-track and having it be more about interesting sounds and feel than perfect performances or getting an industry-standard snare sound.”

    The studio recordings are all Fred. For this show, Fred handled guitar and lead vocals with Devon Clausen on bass and Frances Ma on guitar and lead vocals, with backing drum machine tracks. I was unfamiliar with the material before this, but the hooks are there. It took all of half of the set opener “Overlook” to be glad I had hit record. The trio brought all the fuzzy power pop glory anyone could want to the evening. Great songs, well played and a nice bonus of some great stage banter. Fred mentioned one of the songs was about the time his ex ran for Mayor of his town. His summation of the experience; “SSUUUCCCKKKEEEDDDD”. It never occurred to me that the only way the endless forced misery of political campaign advertisements could be more hellish is if your ex was featured in them.

    You can catch Fred back in town playing with Winged Wheel at Bearsville theater (with Guided By Voices!) on 8/10. You can also catch Tyvek, sans Fred, at Tubby’s on 7/27.

    Recording for this set differed pretty significantly from the normal Tubby’s set up. Since they had two “stages” with two different sets of speakers, I had to set up two different sets of mics and recorders and start and stop each between bands. Thankfully, I was able to get a board feed from the main console in the back for each “stage”. I combined the front room mics with the board feed for the recording you have here. It sounds excellent; full of life and screaming guitars. Crank it!

    Download and stream from the live music archive!

    Idle Ray
    Kingston, NY

    Source 1: SP-CMC-4U (AT853 cards, low sens mod) > SPSb-11 > R-07
    Source 2: SDB > Zoom F8
    Source 1 + Source 2 > Adobe CC (time align, EQ, compression) > Audacity (tracking, fades) > FLAC (lvl 8)
    Recorded and produced by kliked for

    Thanks to Tubbys FOH engineers Wil for the patch and Kyle for the mix!
    This was part of the Tubby’s 5 Year anniversary celebration

    1. Overlook
    2. Backwards
    3. Emphasis Locator
    4. Corridors of Summer
    5. Luck Be Damned
    6. New Weird Thing
    7. Localism Hours
    8. Quiet Cab
    9. Ruiner

    Idle Ray:
    Frances Ma: Guitar and Lead Vocals
    Devon Clausen: Bass
    Fred Thomas: Guitar, Tapes, Lead Vocals

    Support this excellent band:

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    Writhing Squares: April 27, 2024 Tubby’s

    June 4, 2024

    Writhing Squares has long been the duo of Kevin Nickles and Daniel Provenzano accompanied by a drum machine, both in the studio and live. But for their most recent album, Mythology, they changed things up a bit with a live drummer by bringing on board John Schoemaker. Embarking on a short tour for the album, the band brought along David Joachim to drum live. After a release show in their hometown of Philadelphia (which you can watch on YouTube) the trio hit Tubby’s at full volume. Most of their set hails from the aforementioned Mythology, plus “NFU” from Chart For the Solution and “Steely Eyed Missile Man” from Out of the Ether. There’s something ineffable about the Writhing Squares sound, especially in their pummeling live show. While Chart For the Solution conjures The Running Man with its dystopian Krautrock, Mythology is harder to pin down. It wasn’t until their final song, a cover, that I realized what they were channeling: the band leans in hard to their prog roots with a heavy, vigorous take on King Crimson’s “21st Century Schizoid Man.” There aren’t many bands that could pull off such a feat—all hail Writhing Squares!

    I recorded this from our usual location at Tubby’s with a board feed from FOH, Will. As usually Tubby’s sounds great under Will’s boardwork and this recording reflects that. Enjoy!

    Stream and download at the Live Music Archive

    Writhing Squares
    Kingston, NY

    Recorded and produced by Eric PH for

    Soundboard (engineer: Will) + MBHO KA200N/603A > Naiant PFA >> Sound Devices MixPre-6 > WAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC + Izotope Ozone 5 > Audacity 2.4.2 > FLAC

    Tracks [44:59]
    01. Eternity
    02. Barbarians
    03. Acid Rain
    04. Steely Eyed Missile Man
    05. NFU
    06. [tuning]
    07. LEM
    08. The Damned Thing
    09. 21st Century Schizoid Man [King Crimson]


    DISCLAIMER and LEGAL NOTICE is a live music blog that offers a new paradigm of music distribution on the web. The recordings are offered for free on this site as are the music posts, reviews and links to artist sites. All recordings are posted with artist permission or artists with an existing pro-taping policy.

    All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.