Posts Tagged ‘ singer songwriters ’

Jo Schornikow: June 10, 2012 Mercury Lounge – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

June 21, 2012

[Photos by Dominick Mastrangelo]

The Australian singer-songwriter Jo Schornikow is the best-known as the pianist and keyboardist of The Shivers, but she is a lovely singer and performer in her own right (as well as, her website humorously notes, an “internationalist” and  a “nice person”). Schornikow opened this NYCTaper-sponsored show at Mercury Lounge to a crowd that included many of her own fans, who watched reverently as Schornikow performed material from her album First Time, Long Time.  Her songs have an ageless quality to them, made all the better by Schornikow’s easygoing, friendly stage persona. A trained pianist since early childhood, Schornikow is relatively new to the singer-songwriter-guitarist thing, but you wouldn’t know it from this polished, engaging performance. This was Schornikow’s last U.S. performance for a bit as she will be touring the UK for a bit, and she leaves us eager for her return.

I recorded this set with Schoeps MK5 cardioid microphones in the center of the room by the soundboard, along with a soundboard feed. Other than occasionally hearing the door to the bar open and close, it is a flawless recording. Enjoy!

Stream “Will You Miss Me”
[audio: Will You Miss Me.mp3]

Stream “What Could Have Been”
[audio: What Could Have Been.mp3]

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE] | Direct Download of the FLAC files [HERE]
[Note: MP3 link has been fixed] 

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Jo Schornikow
Mercury Lounge
New York, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Schoeps MK5 (cardiod, DFC, 7.5ft, PAS)>CMC6>Sound Devices USBPre2 + Soundboard >> Edirol R-44 [Oade Concert Mod]>2x24bit/48kHz FLAC>Izotope Ozone 5 (various edits to soundboard and audience sources separately)>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (adjust levels, mix down)>Audacity (tracking, amplify and balance, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 I Always Come Back
02 Joseph
03 Bird’s Nest
04 Simple Love
05 Will You Miss Me?
06 When You Come Around
07 Serve Love
08 Plaster
09 [banter]
10 What Could Have Been

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Jo Schornikow, visit her website, and purchase First Time, Long Time directly from her bandcamp page or on CDBaby.


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