Posts Tagged ‘ Seawind of Battery ’

Seawind of Battery: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

August 27, 2024

Photo by Christopher Bruno

The NYCTaper coverage of the 2024 Deep in the Valley festival continues with Seawind of Battery! 

Mike Horn brought his Seawind of Battery project to open this beautiful day on the farm. Mike is no stranger to this blog, but it’s the first time we have featured him since the release of his gorgeous new album, “East Coast Cosmic Dreamscaper” on Warhen Records.  Mike was kind enough to send me an advanced copy of the album and I was instantly impressed with the direction he has taken this project.  He could have released “clockwatching pt 2” and made many people happy but chose to continue to explore ambinet landscapes finding a zone that’s more cosmic and less country. I don’t think Mike is close to running out of space to move this project. 

On this afternoon the Battery powered us with its duo configuration of Mike on signature telecaster and effects and Jarrod Annis on lap steel. The set opened with “Maze of Roses” the first of three songs from the excellent new album.  It was followed with a personal favorite, “New Moon” which I first heard last summer when they come up to play Tubby’s. Structurally the tune remains the same but there is an obvious confidence that the duo, with a year more experience together, can now project. The cosmic dance feels more like cosmic swagger now. 

Beginning  9/11, Mike will host a bi-monthly show with CAMP Radio (3pm EST / 9pm CEST) called “Battery Operated.” This show will be a sonic journey through experimental, psychedelic, ambient, cosmic Americana, and spiritual Jazz.  Tune in and get recharged!

This was recorded from stage lip with my MBHOs and wonderful soundboard feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout. The quality is fantastic! Enjoy!

Download and stream from the live music archive!

Seawind of Battery
Deep in The Valley Festival
From The Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Recorded and produced by kliked for

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

  1. Maze of Roses
  2. New Moon
  3. Supernatural
  4. Clockwatching

Please support this excellent artist!

Please support Raven Sings The Blues!

Photo by Christopher Bruno:

Seawind of Battery & ragenap: October 27, 2023 Troost

December 4, 2023

Our friend and fellow taper noah_s caught Seawind of Battery and ragenap live at Troost a few weeks back. We were excited to to post his recording and in the meantime Mike and Joel were similarly excited—so much so that they released this recording on Eiderdown Records as Chaos LIVE Preserver which you can grab at Bandcamp. Here’s the review and recording from noah_s:

Full Disclosure: I have been one of ragenap’s (Joel Berk) beta listeners since he began putting his jams into recorded form. I would listen to demos & rough mixes he recorded the night before early in the morning while I had my coffee. I once described his music as feeling as if a can of Coke had been opened in my head and I could feel the bubbles fizzing through my brain as I woke up while listening. 

On Friday 10/27/23 at Troost in Greenpoint I finally got to see the live version. Paired up with Seawind of Battery (Mike Horn) – and celebrating the release of their tape Chaos Life Preserver on Eiderdown Records – the duo gave us 35 minutes of droney spacey improvised bliss.They built their set up from a looped riff started by Horn to a joyous and bright section that reminded me of staying up all night to watch a sunrise. Layers of guitar and bass VI worked through an array of never-ending delays and reverbs filled the small bar that was packed with friends, family and Halloween weekenders alike. They built this zone up for about half the set and then spent the other half slowly devolving it while also adding flourishes and delay whips before sticking the landing like a moon lander floating down into low gravity. I know I’m not alone in hoping these two make a lot more music together both in the studio and live.

For this recording I used my CA-11 cardioid mics for the first time and I’m extremely happy with how it came out. I was set up on a tripod near the bar about 15 feet back from where the band set up and as centered as I could be without blocking people from walking in/out.


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