Posts Tagged ‘ nbox+ ’

Guided By Voices: June 18, 2011 Northside Festival, McCarren Park – Streaming Songs + Download Link for Offsite Purchase

June 27, 2011

[Photos courtesy of MaryAnne Ventrice]

There is no doubt that the single most highly anticipated performance at all of this year’s Northside Festival was the McCarren Park performance of Guided By Voices.  Touring with the reunited mid-90s “classic” lineup of the band since last year, frontman Robert Pollard has proven that he hasn’t lost a step – or his ability to guzzle alcohol onstage.  The first time I saw GBV, with this same lineup, he went through a case of beer during a 90-minute set.  Here, Pollard did himself one better, throwing back a bottle of Cuervo as he complimented our neighborhood (lots of bars, after all), mused negatively about Pittsburgh and some of his non-classic lineups, and – oh yeah – performed a monster 40-song set (equaling, thanks to GBV’s short songs, just under 110 minutes).

True to the best years of the “classic lineup,” this set focused on the band’s mid-90s classics Alien Lanes (with “Pimple Zoo,” “Watch Me Jumpstart,” “Striped White Jets” and “Motor Away”, among others) and Bee Thousand (“Tractor Rape Chain,” “Hot Freaks”, “I Am A Scientist,” etc.) among the many other records covered.  For this show, Pollard was his usual freewheeling, unhinged self, swigging his drink and belting out the lyrics to his songs like a rock star 25 years his junior.  GBV were among the first bands to be referred to as “lo-fi” because of Pollard’s use of barely-functional recording equipment on his earlier records, but live, it is evident how tight these songs are, filled with classic hooks and absent filler.  Pollard has long had the rare gift of churning out these nuggets of greatness in vast quantities, and bless him for that –  he has more good songs on one record than most bands have in their careers. (It should be added that he has more good records out than ten good bands are likely to put out in their careers).  As a result, this set never faltered, even through three encores, with Pollard delivering humorous crowd banter with an economy equal to his songwriting and the familiar hits coming and coming, punctuated by between song chants of “GBV! GBV!”  It rarely slowed down, either, except for a tidy acoustic “Awful Bliss,” after which Pollard reminded us, “You’ve gotta do the acoustic songs, man.  That’s what makes a rock concert… it’s like Emerson, Lake and Palmer.”  And then he played another song.  And another.  And another.

When the show finally wrapped up at nightfall with a rocking “Weed King,” we knew we had gotten our money’s worth.  We also knew that of all the “lo-fi” bands we might see during the weekend, they’d have a hell of a time competing with the gold standard, even if the gold standard was born in 1957.  I don’t know whether Pollard thrives because or in spite of all that alcohol, but he does.  And our night, our weekend, our Northside Festival, wouldn’t have been half of what it was without him.

This show presented a unique opportunity for the NYCTaper crew.  GBV has been officially releasing all of their reunion performances on their online store,  Because we wanted the band and the fans to have the best recording possible for the site, we agreed to record this show for gbvdigital for free, in exchange for the chance to record the show and host a couple of the streaming tracks on this site.  As a result, the full show cannot be downloaded here, but can be purchased from gbvdigital in MP3, FLAC or AAC format via the link below.

Stream “Don’t Stop Now”:
[audio:’t Stop Now2011-06-18.mp3]

Stream “I Am A Scientist”:
[audio: Am A Scientist2011-06-18.mp3]


Guided by Voices
Northside Festival
McCarren Park
Brooklyn, NY  USA

Recorded and produced by for
[nyctaper, hi and lo, johnny fried chicken boy, and acidjack]

Equipment: Soundboard + Schoeps Mk41>NBox+ + Schoeps Mk5 (omni)>EAA PSP2 >> Tascam DR-680 (24/48)
Position: FOB, DFC, Mk5s NOS, Mk41s DINa
Mastering: 6x24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (EQ omni source, Dyson compression on soundboard source, adjust and balance levels, mixdown, set fades, tracking,  additional EQ, smooth peaks)>FLAC ( level 8 ) and >MP3 (VBR0)

Tracks [Total Time 1:48:53]
01 [Intro]
02 Pimple Zoo
03 Expecting Brainchild
04 #2 In the Model Home Series
05 Watch Me Jumpstart
06 Melted Pat
07 Shocker In Gloomtown
08 Kicker of Elves
09 Buzzards and Dreadful Crows
10 Always Crush Me
11 Gleemer
12 Tractor Rape Chain
13 Hot Freaks
14 Striped White Jets
15 Squirmish Frontal Room
16 14 Cheerleader Coldfront
17 Dodging Invisible Rays
18 Gold Star For Robot Boy
19 Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory
20 Cut-Out Witch
21 Sad If I Lost It
22 Matter Eater Lad
23 A Good Flying Bird
24 Awful Bliss
25 Quality of Armor
26 Jane of the Waking Universe
27 Unleashed! The Large-Hearted Boy
28 Exit Flagger
29 I Am A Scientist
30 Game of Pricks

31 [First Encore Intro]
32 Echos Myron
33 Bright Paper Werewolves
34 Motor Away
35 Don’t Stop Now
36 Smothered In Hugs

37 A Salty Salute
38 My Valuable Hunting Knife
39 Over the Neptune>Mesh Gear Fox

40 [Third Encore Intro]
41 My Impression Now
42 Some Drilling Implied
43 Weed King

We encourage you not only to purchase this set from GBVdigital, but to also support Guided By Voices by visiting their website and buying their official albums (which you should already own anyway).

Real Estate: May 20, 2011 Bell House – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

June 14, 2011

[Photos courtesy of Jill of fortheloveofbrooklyn photoblog]

Our friends Real Estate have spent the past few years doing it “the right way” – garnering critical attention for the debut LP and building off of that with varied, exciting and packed live shows. Their hard work has paid off in the form of an exciting new deal that finds them leaving one of our absolute favorite boutique labels – Woodsist – for one of the best-curated international indie labels, Domino Records. Per Domino’s press release, a new record is expected in October of 2011. Giving a treat to a Friday night crowd that the band said was one of their best NYC crowds in years, the band played a bunch of new material, including a number of songs we had not heard before. The new songs do not deviate wildly from the old material – call them evolutionary rather than revolutionary – but demonstrate their continuing overall improvement as a band and as songwriters. Ridgewood’s finest will no doubt play some local shows before that new record comes out, and we expect to enjoy hearing more of the new material between now and then.

hi and lo recorded this set with the Schoeps microphones in our usual location in the venue. As with the Julian Lynch recording, these accurate microphones picked up a lot of natural reverberance of the wide room. However, the house mix was stronger, and the crowd a bit less chatty, so with additional mastering efforts, this recording is the much better of the two. Enjoy!

Stream “Easy” [new song]:
[audio: Easy.mp3]

Stream “Younger Than Yesterday”:
[audio: Younger Than Yesterday.mp3]

Direct download of MP3 files [MP3]

Download the Complete show in FLAC [HERE]

Follow acidjack on Twitter

Real Estate
Bell House
Brooklyn, NY USA

Digital Master Audience Recording
Recorded by hi and lo for
Produced by acidjack

Equipment: Schoeps Mk5 (cardiod)>NBox+>Sony PCM-M10 (24/44.1)
Position: Clamp to soundboard, mics DINa
Mastering: 24bit/44.1kHz WAV>Audacity (set fades, tracking, EQ, amplify and balance)>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 1:15:54]
01 instrumental
02 Suburban Beverage
03 [banter/tuning]
04 Easy [new]
05 Pool Swimmers
06 [unknown]
07 Younger Than Yesterday
08 [unknown] – new
09 [banter]
10 Fake Blues
11 [banter]
12 [unknown-new]
13 [banter]
14 [unknown]
15 All The Same
16 [unknown]
17 Atlantic City
18 Beach Comber
19 [encore break]
20 Black Lake
21 Out of Tune

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Real Estate, visit their MySpace page, and purchase their releases from Woodist RecordsHalf Machine Records, and Underwater Peoples, plus check out their forthcoming release this October on Domino Records.

John Vanderslice: May 12, 2011 Mercury Lounge – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

May 19, 2011

[Photos courtesy of Elizabeth Weinberg.  See her outstanding photography here]

John Vanderslice has been another steady favorite of this site (one of his performances from back in October appeared in our Top 25 Concert Moments of 2010) and that status is well-earned through his universally strong performances, outstanding songwriting, and engaging rapport with his crowds.  Those qualities were all on display during this recent show at the Mercury Lounge, an epic 90+ minute performance that showed off some stripped-down versions of songs from his 2011 release, White Wilderness, including the brooding “Overcoat” with its boombox accompaniment, streaming below.  As some fans sat onstage (Vanderslice set up extra chairs so some of the more vertically challenged could see), the veteran, together with percussionist Jason Slota, gave an outstanding set filled with classic hits and other highlights.  Vanderslice kept things loose, chatting at times even during songs, and stopping once or twice to fix mistakes.  No less than six guests jointed him onstage at various points, including opener Damien Jurado during the encore, and Ian Bjornstad during “Underneath the Leaves.”  The show ended, in classic Mercury Lounge fashion, with Vanderslice, Slota and Jurado playing four songs unplugged from the center of the floor.  Jurado proclaimed it “the best show of the tour,” and why should we disagree?

hi and lo recorded this set from our usual location in the venue with the Schoeps microphones.  The sound quality is excellent, with the caveat that the four encore songs at the end, being unplugged and in the middle of the floor, are harder to hear and suffer from more crowd noise than the main set. Enjoy!

Stream “Overcoat”:
[audio: Overcoat.mp3]

Stream “Up Above the Sea”:
[audio: Up Above the Sea.mp3]

This Recording is now available to Download in FLAC or MP3 at [HERE].

John Vanderslice
Mercury Lounge
New York, NY, US

Digital Master Audience Recording
Recorded and produced by hi and lo for

Equipment: Schoeps MK4v > Nbox+ > Sony PCM-M10 @ 24 bit / 44.1 kHz
Location: ~20 ft from stage, at right stack
Mastering: 24bit/44.1kHz WAV>WaveLab 5 (eq/fades/dither)>FLAC v1.2.1 (Level 8) with TLH v2.6.0 (Build 168)

Tracks [Run Time 1:38:01]

01. Intro
02. Scorpio Rising
03. Convict Lake
04. The Parade
05. White Plains
06. Overcoat
07. Trance Manual
08. Pale Horses
09. Exodus Damage
10. Kookaburra
11. Do You Remember
12. Up Above the Sea
13. I’ll Never Live Up to You
14. Too Much Time
15. Underneath the Leaves
16. Thule Fog
17. White Dove
18. It’s Time to Go
19. (Encore Call)
20. Nikki Oh Nikki

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT John Vanderslice, visit his website, and purchase his official releases from the links at his website [HERE].


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All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.