Posts Tagged ‘ maps & atlases ’

Maps & Atlases: April 19, 2011 Bowery Ballroom – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

April 25, 2011

[Photo by Megan Barron.  See her Flickr stream here]

It is a not-uncommon trope on this site that bands tend to give it their absolute best when playing their first Bowery Ballroom show – it’s a big moment for any band, and the venue itself is nearly perfect – spacious yet intimate, welcoming, and outfitted with an excellent sound system. Maps & Atlases took full advantage of their breakout moment this Tuesday night, as they played an outstanding set to a welcoming 16+ crowd fueled more by the band’s incredible music than the typical NYC crowd’s favorite combo of alcohol and smartphones. In note-perfect form the band covered the best material from their first full-length, Perch Patchwork, as well as classics from their EPs like “Ted Zancha,” “Artichokes” and “Everyplace Is A House.” Maps don’t sound like any other band out there today; vocalist/guitarist Dave Davison’s voice remains in a class by itself, and their unique, polyrhythmic rock could probably wow a class of music students as easily as it did this young Bowery crowd. That uniqueness may have been an impediment at first, but people are clearly “getting it” now. It doesn’t hurt that their live show is a bit of a contrast from their more lo-fi sounding albums; turned up loud, their music is more celebratory than it seems on a scratchy EP, and more importantly, live, you just cannot miss how dialed-in these guys are as musicians. That was best in evidence during an epic seven-minute version of “Daily News” from the You Me & the Mountain EP, a mostly-instrumental track that was perhaps the strongest song of the night. The band also gave us a rare treat by doing a cover song (not part of their usual repertoire, other than their cover of Cast Spells’ “Glamorous Glowing”), a short, faithful rendition of Elvis Costello’s “Radio Radio”. While there was no post-show acoustic set from the floor like there was at the intimate Mercury Lounge show last year, this set still outshone that one. It kind of had to – it was their “Bowery moment.”

Kenny, the regular sound engineer at Bowery Ballroom, truly outdid himself this evening with a flawless mix. While the Mercury show also included a soundboard feed, the sound quality of this set, with the Schoeps microphones running into a custom built analog preamp, is better than that one, in my opinion. Enjoy!

Stream “Daily News”:
[audio: Daily News.mp3]

Stream “Radio Radio”:
[audio: Radio Radio.mp3]

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE]

Download the Complete show in FLAC [HERE].

Follow acidjack on Twitter

Maps & Atlases
Bowery Ballroom
New York, NY USA

An acidjack master recording
Recorded and produced by acidjack for

Equipment: Schoeps Mk41>CMC6>Oade M248>Sony PCM-M10 (24/44.1)
Position: Balcony, LOC, mics on clamp extended toward soundboard, DIN
Mastering: 24bit/44.1kHz WAV>Audacity (set fades, tracking, amplify and balance)>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 1:01:25]
01 Pigeon
02 The Sounds They Make
03 Artichokes
04 [tuning]
05 Israeli Caves
06 [banter]
07 Ted Zancha
08 [banter]
09 Will>
10 The Charm
11 [banter]
12 Witch
13 Everyplace Is A House
14 Living Decorations
15 Glamorous Glowing [Cast Spells]
16 Daily News
17 [banter]
18 Solid Ground
19 [encore break]
20 Radio Radio [Elvis Costello]
21 If This Is>
22 Was

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Maps & Atlases, visit their MySpace page, and purchase Perch Patchwork from their official store here.

Maps & Atlases: August 12, 2010 Mercury Lounge – FLAC/MP3 Downloads

September 16, 2010

[Photos courtesy of The Owl Mag]

With this stellar set at Mercury Lounge, Chicago’s Maps & Atlases announced their arrival as strong contenders on the indie scene.  Touring behind their third release (but first official full length), the quantum-leap-forward Perch Patchwork, the band gave fans far more than originally promised, closing out with an acoustic set on the floor of the venue.  Albeit in a very different way, these Chicagoans, like their neighbors in Tortoise, don’t sound like anybody else.  For lack of a better term, I like to call their sound freak folk meets math rock.  While the concept of “freak folk-meets-math rock” may be hard to grasp, the band’s technical rhythmic sense (including dual percussion at times), combined with singer/guitarist Dave Davison’s vocals and a vaguely folk-based guitar approach make them hard to describe otherwise.  This crowd at Mercury, like many I have seen at the venue recently, were rowdy and going wild for the headliners after a strong night of music.  One group was screaming for “Solid Ground” from the get go, and the version heard here does not disappoint.   That song, like many from their new record, demonstrates the band’s emerging pop sensibility, and the promise of greater things to come.  These guys could go in many directions from here; I can see them wearing the indie crown just as easily as ingratiating themselves to the Bonnaroo scene.  As they are not easily categorized, different fans will understand them in different ways.  Ultimately that acoustic set on the floor tells the story best – these guys want to play music even after most of the crowd has gone home, even after the contractually agreed set time.  They can’t help themselves.  Listen to Perch Patchwork and tell me if you can resist.

I recorded this set with a top quality board feed combined with the Schoeps microphones.  The sound quality of the main set is among the finest of my recordings with this rig and is a testament to the hard work of the Mercury production team.  The acoustic set – which I had to record a bit on the fly – is a bit rougher given that there was no board feed, and the mics picked up some handling noise, but it is still quite good.  Enjoy!

Maps & Atlases are touring Iowa and Europe in September and October.  See the dates on their MySpace page.

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE] | Direct Download of the FLAC Files [HERE].

Maps & Atlases
Mercury Lounge
New York, NY  USA

An acidjack master recording
Recorded and produced by acidjack for

Equipment: Schoeps CMC641+stereo soundboard feed>Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) (24/44.1)
Position: Right side of soundboard, mics at 7.5ft, pointed at stacks
Mastering: 2×24bit/44.1kHz WAV>Audacity (mixdown, set fades, EQ (1dB cut of sub-100Hz frequencies, slight brilliance bump at 10-12kHz), tracking, amplify and balance channels, hard limit clapping on acoustic set, delete some clapping on acoustic set)>FLAC Level 8

01 Living Decorations
02 Israeli Caves
03 Ted Zancha
04 Will
05 The Charm
06 [tuning]
07 Witch
08 [banter]
09 If This Is
10 Carrying the Wet Wood
11 Everyplace Is A House
12 Solid Ground
13 Daily News
14 Glamorous Glowing [Cast Spells]
15 The Sounds They Make

Acoustic Set:
16 You Me and the Mountain
17 Banished Be Cavalier
18 Pigeon
19 [tuning]
20 The Ongoing Horrible

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Maps & Atlases, visit their MySpace page, and purchase Perch Patchwork from their official store here.


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