Posts Tagged ‘ Madison Square Park Conservancy ’

Nicole Atkins: June 18, 2014 Madison Square Park – Flac/MP3/Streaming

July 1, 2014

[photo by Chris La Putt – complete set at brooklynvegan]

The last time we connected with Nicole Atkins her brilliant new album Slow Phaser had just been released and her tour was literally just beginning — it was the tour’s first show. That night at Bowery Ballroom there was a palpable excitement in the room and despite a huge winter storm the venue was quite filled. This album is a career-defining accomplishment and we were more than pleased when her new crack band brought the songs to life. Now with six months of shows behind them, we caught Nicole and her band earlier this month at Madison Square Park. This show was the first night of the Park’s concert series, run impeccably by the Madison Square Park Conservancy. On a beautiful summer-like night the crowd was a mix of fans, families on blankets, curious locals and park supporters but from the outset Nicole had their attention and kept it for the entire full-length show — even with the lively city noise behind us (including persistent police and ambulance sirens). There was been one change in the band which now contains one guitarist but has added a keyboardist who provided much color to the music. Nicole played much of Slow Phaser but also added a few older tracks. We’re streaming “Its Only Chemistry”, which ended the main set and contains a particularly strong vocal performance. In July, Nicole goes on a national tour in support of Nick Cave with two NYC dates, July 26 at Celebrate Brooklyn/Prospect Park and July 27 at Hammerstein Ballroom.

I recorded this show with the Neumann large diaphragm mics set up at the soundboard tent and mixed with a fine board feed. The Neumann LD’s are especially warm and wide in the outdoor setting and the mix is quite well balanced resulting in a superb recording. Enjoy!

Stream “Its Only Chemistry”:

This Recording is now Available to Download in FLAC and MP3 and to Stream the Entire Show via [HERE].

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Nicole Atkins
Madison Square Park
New York NY

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Front of Board Audience Matrix

Soundboard + Neumann TLM-102s > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2 x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper

[Total Time 1:12:19]
01 Who Killed The Moonlight
02 What Do You Know
03 Cool People
04 Gasoline Bride
05 The Way It Is
06 Maybe Tonight
07 Girl You Look Amazing
08 We Wait Too Long
09 Vultures
10 Red Ropes
11 The Worst Hangover
12 Party’s Over
13 Cool Enough
14 [banter – Oh Mercy]
15 Its Only Chemistry
16 [thanks]
17 The Tower

If you enjoyed this recording, please support Nicole Atkins, visit her website, and purchase Slow Phaser through her Pledge Music Campaign [HERE]


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