Do you like volume, drone and repetition? Do you like feeling completely tranced out in a psychedelic, dissociated way? Does the idea of being suspended in a state of transcendental heavy post rock seem appealing? If yes, I have just the thing for you!
Water Damage is an Austin based band/collective of people wholly committed to forcing the listener into a state of disorientation. Has the same bar been repeated for the last thirty minutes? Will my hearing be intact when this is over? The answer, honestly, is irrelevant. What’s important is this will probably be the best set of music you see this month, possibly this year. It is intense and all encompassing and completely unavoidable. You can try and ignore it, but eventually its enormous force will swallow you. Imagine being crushed by a glacier. That’s kind of what it felt like watching them destroy the room. As they say, “MAXIMAL REPETITION, MINIMAL DEVIATION.”
NY heads have a chance to catch them tonight (6/13/24) on an incredible bill at Union Pool with site favorites Weak Signal and Gift Horse. Do not miss this. Bring ear plugs.
I recorded this from the usual spot at the soundboard, and I’m very happy with how it turned out. On play back, listeners should set a volume that, as Marc Ribot says, makes you wonder if one is “really placing their amps at risk.”
Download and stream from the live music archive.
Water Damage
Kingston, NY
Source: MBHO 440 > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8)
Recorded and Produced by kliked
- Live at Tubbys 2024-06-12
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