Posts Tagged ‘ electronic ’

Suuns: February 11, 2017 Saint Vitus (Early Show)

February 14, 2017

It’s not easy to be a live band like Suuns. When you make spare, often trancelike music that relies on repetition, fueled by loops and electronics as well as live players, you need to be more than competent on your instruments; you need to be technically almost flawless. Their music can indeed put you in a trance, but the communion is broken if anything — almost anything — is out of time or introduced at the wrong moment. The amazing thing about Suuns is that nothing ever is — if “precision” was their band name instead, it wouldn’t be wrong. Their latest album Hold/Still continues their streak of infallible, tight production, made all the more impressive this time by the fact that they reputedly recorded most of it live. Hearing the songs live, it’s somewhat easier to believe. Suuns songs often tend toward modern paranoia and anxiety, but in execution of them, the band members’ melding of the human and technological is at ease.

On this winter night, the band played two full sold-out sets at Saint Vitus, an intimate, appropriate clime for the band’s dark, almost claustrophobic sound. Drawing on elements of krautrock and electronic music, Suuns’ sound is as distinct as it is penetrating. If escapist fare like “La La Land” and whatever pabulum won most Grammys last night is hailed as the right cultural output for our times precisely due to its unreality, Suuns owes equal claim to the title precisely because it sounds like just this moment. When vocalist Ben Shemie intones the single lyric from “Resistance,” over a fractured guitar line and its vaguely militaristic backbeat, you almost forget that this song was actually written in 2015. It meant something different to me when I first saw it, nearly two years ago to the date.

To that end, another exciting song to see come to fruition was “Infinity,” a number the band has worked on in various forms for several years, but finally laid down for Hold/Still. After a solid dose of newer material for the bulk of the set, Suuns took us back to their first record, Zeroes QC, for a bit, with “Arena” making an appearance, and the set closing with one of their best early songs, “Pie IX.” If Hold/Still is any guide, this band’s next few years are going to be equally fertile ones.

I recorded this set with Schoeps MK4V microphones and a soundboard feed. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!

Download the complete show: [MP3/FLAC/Apple Lossless]

Stream the complete show:

Saint Vitus
Brooklyn, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard + Schoeps MK4V (at SBD, PAS)>KCY>Z-PFA>>Zoom F8>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CC>Izotope Ozone 5>Audacity 2.0.5>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 1:01:12]
01 Images du Futur
02 Music Won’t Save You
03 Powers of Ten
04 Instrument
05 Translate
06 2020
07 Resistance
08 Infinity
09 Paralyzer
10 Arena
11 Edie’s Dream
12 Pie IX

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Suuns, visit their Facebook page, and buy their albums on their bandcamp site or from Secretly Canadian.

People of the North: August 10, 2016 Secret Project Robot

September 1, 2016


Our lovefest with all things Oneida and Oneida-related continued earlier this month when, on the heels of the final Oneida set at Secret Project Robot, we caught People of the North in the same venue. While POTN shares personnel with Oneida (regulars Kid Millions and Bobby Matador, plus Barry London for this set), the band’s vibe is distinct, with an even-more fluid and keyboard-driven approach. The band has a new album, The Caul, on its way from Thrill Jockey, but who knows whether this material is reflective of that, or just the bandmembers’ mind-state at showtime. Whatever the reason, this 45-minute improv was yet another reminder that with this group of musicians, you can always count on an interesting trip.

I recorded this set with a pair of Schoeps MK4V microphones at the stage lip. The sound quality is outstanding. Enjoy!

Download the complete set: [MP3/FLAC/ALAC]

Stream the complete set:

People of the North
Secret Project Robot
Brooklyn, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Schoeps MK4V (stage lip, DFC, PAS)>KCY>Z-PFA>Zoom F8>24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (compression, fades)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects)>Audacity 2.0.3 (track, amplify, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 improvisation

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT People of the North by buying their records from Thrill Jockey.

Away Msg: September 11, 2015 WXDU/WXYC/WKNC Day Show, Neptune’s (Raleigh, NC) – FLAC/MP3/Streaming

October 9, 2015


In lieu of its usual tag-team day show with Three Lobed Recordings at King’s during Hopscotch Festival, this year Durham’s WXDU teamed with fellow college radio stations WXYC and WKNC to create a two-level show that offered the broadest possible spectrum of sounds. Opening things up at Neptune’s, Kings’ downstairs venue and an electronic music hotbed throughout the festival, was the young artist Away Msg, aka Kat Liang, who produces thoughtful ambient dance music that incorporates natural sounds into the usual slow-rolling flow of textures and beats. The Raleigh artist’s repertoire consists solely of some Soundcloud tracks thus far, but she deserves a wider audience that we’re sure she’ll get. During her time making music, Away Msg has evolved away from 8-bit style sounds toward a more cerebral glitch/ambient style exemplified by songs like “after work (the good times are too short),” which began this set. Away Msg’s songs are complex without being precious (even with the long song titles), and listening to them in the comforting twilight of Neptune’s at one in the afternoon set a perfect musical tone for the rest of the day, at a creative day show that has historically always been more of a true music fan’s event that the “parties” that go on elsewhere. We don’t get nearly as many opportunities to feature electronic music on this site as we’d like, so this is a special treat. Keep an eye on this artist – we hope to hear more from her in the future!

Eric PH recorded this set with a soundboard feed and AKG CK91 microphones to provide ambiance. The sound quality is outstanding. Enjoy!

Download the complete show: [MP3] | [FLAC]

Stream the complete show:

Away Msg
Raleigh, NC USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded by Eric PH
Produced by acidjack

Soundboard + AKG CK61>Naiant actives>PFA>Roland R-26>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (align, mix down)>Izotope Ozone 5 (effects)>Audacity 2.0.5 (track, fades, amplify, balance, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 [intro]
02 After work (the good times are too short)
03 At the park (burning my memories of you)
04 Reflection (smoking a cigarette by the ocean)
05 Breath of fresh air (it is a good day to die)

If you enjoyed this recording, please support Away Msg by checking out her Soundcloud page


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