Posts Tagged ‘ Deep in the Valley ’

Sean Thompson’s Weird Ears: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

December 2, 2024

Photo by Christopher Bruno

The NYCTaper coverage of the 2024 Deep in the Valley festival continues with Sean Thompson’s Weird Ears!

I’m going to be completely upfront about this: This was the set I was most looking forward to going into the event, simply because I’d been pestering Andy from Raven Sings The Blues for at least two years to get Sean Thompson to play Deep In The Valley.

Sean is a guitar player, songwriter, and generally good dude from Nashville. I’ll skip the background info; you can get all that on a recent episode of Good Friend of the Site J. M. Hart’s consistently excellent Brokedown Podcast. The critical thing to glean from the interview is that Sean is now actively writing and focusing his energy on the “Weird Ears” project. 

I was lucky to sit with several people who were unfamiliar with Sean’s work before this set. With “country music,” in whatever that means, having a bit of a moment in the larger psych/improv/jam scene, it’s easy to draw comparisons to more well-known names. In the moment, I attempted to sell it to the uninitiated as “similar to the name brand country-tinged jam folks but more authentic, weirder, and much more psychedelic.” To me, that translates to way more interesting, but that doesn’t do Sean’s work justice, and, to be fair, it was just lazy on my part. 

Luckily for Sean, he doesn’t need me to sell you on this; him and his band will do it on their own.  This excellent-sounding set features tracks from his superb Selt Titled 2022 album as well as some new jammers, including the latest single, “Ridin’ In The Van,” which has a brand new video (debuting today!) to go along with it:

Ridin’ In the Van

Pre order your copy of the new Weird Ears album “Head In The Sand” (out February 7) here. If he makes it back to the Hudson Valley for a proper full length set you can be sure I’ll be there!

I recorded this set with my MBHOs at the stage lip and a phenomenal soundboard feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout.  Play it LOUD.

Download and stream from the Live Music Archive!

Sean Thompson’s Weird Ears
Deep in The Valley Festival
From The Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Recorded and produced by kliked for

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

  1. Raspberry Pie
  2. New Trailway Boogie
  3. Before The Flowers Bloom
  4. Ridin In The Van
  5. Street People

Please support this excellent artist!

Please support Raven Sings The Blues!

Photo by Christopher Bruno:

Seawind of Battery: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

August 27, 2024

Photo by Christopher Bruno

The NYCTaper coverage of the 2024 Deep in the Valley festival continues with Seawind of Battery! 

Mike Horn brought his Seawind of Battery project to open this beautiful day on the farm. Mike is no stranger to this blog, but it’s the first time we have featured him since the release of his gorgeous new album, “East Coast Cosmic Dreamscaper” on Warhen Records.  Mike was kind enough to send me an advanced copy of the album and I was instantly impressed with the direction he has taken this project.  He could have released “clockwatching pt 2” and made many people happy but chose to continue to explore ambinet landscapes finding a zone that’s more cosmic and less country. I don’t think Mike is close to running out of space to move this project. 

On this afternoon the Battery powered us with its duo configuration of Mike on signature telecaster and effects and Jarrod Annis on lap steel. The set opened with “Maze of Roses” the first of three songs from the excellent new album.  It was followed with a personal favorite, “New Moon” which I first heard last summer when they come up to play Tubby’s. Structurally the tune remains the same but there is an obvious confidence that the duo, with a year more experience together, can now project. The cosmic dance feels more like cosmic swagger now. 

Beginning  9/11, Mike will host a bi-monthly show with CAMP Radio (3pm EST / 9pm CEST) called “Battery Operated.” This show will be a sonic journey through experimental, psychedelic, ambient, cosmic Americana, and spiritual Jazz.  Tune in and get recharged!

This was recorded from stage lip with my MBHOs and wonderful soundboard feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout. The quality is fantastic! Enjoy!

Download and stream from the live music archive!

Seawind of Battery
Deep in The Valley Festival
From The Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Recorded and produced by kliked for

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

  1. Maze of Roses
  2. New Moon
  3. Supernatural
  4. Clockwatching

Please support this excellent artist!

Please support Raven Sings The Blues!

Photo by Christopher Bruno:

Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

August 19, 2024

Photo by Christopher Bruno

The NYCTaper coverage of the 2024 Deep in the Valley festival continues with Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders! 

Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders became the first group to play at the festival twice, having appeared in year one.  For this set, the core four were joined by Wednesday Knudsen (sax) and Ron Schneiderman (guitar), and John Moloney (percussion) fresh off their set with Sunburned Hand of The Man.  The septet configuration of the Lidders gave us a one-song set. One 45-minute version of the classic psychedelic mind fuck, “Dark Star.” 

Phil Lesh once said, “Dark Star is always playing somewhere.  All we do is tap into it.”  On this day, Dark Star was being played in a field near an apple Orchard in Red Hook NY and the Lidders absolutely tapped into it. Rumor has it, upon playback, one member of the band had a full psychedelic experience complete with walls moving.  Live, it hit me so hard I was forced back to my camping chair to recalibrate for about ten minutes.  Your mileage may vary. 

This was recorded from stage lip with my MBHOs and wonderful soundboard feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout.  The quality is excellent.  Get your mind right and blast off! 

Stream and download from the Live Music Archive!

Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders
Deep in The Valley Festival
From The Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Recorded and produced by kliked for

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

  1. Dark Star*

The Heavy Lidders are:
Jeffrey Alexander – guitar, vocal
Drew Gardner – guitar,
Jesse Sheppard – bass
Scott Verrastro – drums


John Moloney – Percussion
Wednesday Knudsen – Sax
Ron Schneiderman – Guitar

Please support this excellent artist!

Please support Raven Sings The Blues!

Photo by Christopher Bruno:

Magic Tuber String Band: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

August 15, 2024

Photo by Christopher Bruno

Welcome to the NYCTaper coverage of the 2024 Deep In The Valley festival! The event was once again held at From the Ground Brewery and organized, labored over and presented by our friends at the always excellent Raven Sings The Blues! Another incredible year of mellow vibes, good friend and incredible tunes! We begin this year with Magic Tuber String Band!

At face value, a string band playing an early afternoon set in a field on a rural farm seems like a slam dunk, and it was a perfect early-day set. However, underneath, this project is much more than traditional folk music. It has secrets inside itself.  It presents the sounds of summer sunshine and picnics, but just beneath the surface hides the sounds of Autumn’s deep, dark woods. It’s never one thing.  Make these instruments electric, and you would, most likely, be battered by a wall of noise and drones. This possibility can be seen in their playing for “Ghost Pipe” off 2023’s Tarantism.  

The North Carolina-based group has had a productive couple of years, culminating with the release of their new album, “Needlefall,” on Thrill Jockey Records. Our NYC folks can catch them tonight (8/15) at Public Records, but at the very least, go to their Bandcamp and buy some music to take into the change of seasons. This was a thoroughly engaging set of music, and there is a reason I raced to get this one out first.

This set was recorded with my MBHO’s at stage lip and an excellent board mix from FOH engineer Daniel Stout.  I’m very happy with the results. Enjoy!

Download and stream for the Live Music Archive!

Magic Tuber String Band
Deep in The Valley Festival
From The Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Recorded and produced by kliked for

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

  1. Orb Weaver
  2. A Dance on Sunday Night
  3. Blooms in the Rapids
  4. Ghost Pipe
  5. Horn of Plenty
  6. Days of Longing
  7. Needlefall

Please support this excellent artist!

Please support Raven Sings The Blues!

Photo by Christopher Bruno:

Ned Collette: August 19, 2023 Deep In The Valley

October 25, 2023

Photo by Christopher Bruno

The NycTaper coverage of the 2023 Deep In The Valley festival continues!  For today’s installment we have Ned Collette, the Australian born, Berlin based songwriter and producer that came to town to play a beautiful early afternoon set for us all.  

The set opened with “The Laughter Across The Street” from 2006’s “Jokes & Trials” immediately finds Ned, with Elisabeth Fuchsia on viola, occupying a space that feels unique in “folk” music. A strange and beautiful and dark space where the songs are a cross between Jim O’Rourke and Judee Sill. Listening to this now, with the leaves falling in the Hudson Valley, feels just right.

I had initially sent my mix of this recording to Ned who asked if he might take a crack at doing a touch more EQ.  Eventually, I ended up sending him my masters which he worked on in his studio and the result is the beautiful sounding mix we have here.  Using my MBHO mics positioned at stage lip for instrument presence and the excellent board feed courtesy of FOH engineer Daniele Stout for vocal clarity Ned gives us a mix far better than what I produced!  Enjoy!

Download and stream from the Live Music Archive!

Ned Collette
Deep in the Valley
From the Ground Brewery Red Hook, NY

Source: Source: MBHO440 + SDB> SD MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) by Kliked

Post Production by Ned Colette

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

  1. The Laughter Across The Street
  2. Animal Swoon
  3. Boulder
  4. The Optimist
  5. Il Futuro Fantastico
  6. The Country With A Smile
  7. Vanitas Quack

Ned Collette – Guitar, Vocals
Elisabeth Fuchsia – Viola

Support this excellent artist:

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Thanks to Chris Bruno for the photo!

Sunwatchers: August 19, 2023 Deep in the Valley and April 20, 2023 Tubby’s

September 18, 2023
Photo by Christopher Bruno

Our coverage of the 2023 Deep In The Valley festival continues! 

Has it really been four years since we last saw Sunwatchers? Unbelievable! Fortunately nothing interesting has happened since 2019 and so we pick up right where we left off. But just a few things in the interim: Sunwatchers put out the righteous duo Oh Yeah? and Brave Rats in 2020; Jim McHugh put out a pair of work-abolishin’, eye-lazer shootin’ solo records the same year; Peter Kerlin’ released a guest-filled, wide-ranging experimental solo record; and Jeff Tobias released a trio of rad tapes/records just in the last year or so. Whew!

But wait, there’s more! Sunwatchers will release Music is Victory Over Time in just a couple months. These two sets we saw this year will serve as a good preview of what’s to come and it sounds pretty damn awesome. So be sure to preorder that right away. Meanwhile, enjoy this double dose of Sunwatchers to start your week.

Stream and Download at the Live Music Archive: Deep in the Valley | Tubby’s

Deep in the Valley
From the Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Recorded and produced by Eric PH for

Soundboard + MBHO KA100DK/603A (stage lip) > Naiant PFA >> Sound Devices MixPre-6 > WAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC + Izotope Ozone 5 > Audacity 3.0.2 > FLAC

Tracks [38:10]
01. Beautiful Crystals
02. Too Gary
03. T.A.S.C
04. Foams
05. The Works
06. World People 

Kingston, NY

Recorded and produced by Eric PH for

Soundboard (engineer: Nick) + MBHO KA200N/603A > Naiant PFA >> Sound Devices MixPre-6 > WAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC + Izotope Ozone 5 > Audacity 3.0.2 > FLAC

Tracks [51:54]
01. Blitzkrieg Bop [Ramones] > World People
02. Too Gary
03. T.A.S.C.
04. Foams
05. Blitzkrieg Bob [reprise] > Tumulus
06. There Goes Ol’ Ooze
07. Beautiful Crystals
08. Silent Boogie

Garcia Peoples: August 19, 2023 Deep In The Valley

September 15, 2023

Photo by Christopher Bruno

Our coverage of the 2023 Deep In The Valley festival continues! 

Today we have site favorites Garcia Peoples set. Unfortunately, Danny (Guitar, Vocals) and Cesar (Drums) were unable to make it. Thankfully a friend of the band, Ryan Jewell, was on hand to play with Ryley Walker and was able to sit in. With this unique line-up, the band treated us to a single 30+ minute piece of improvisation. 

Launching into free improv isn’t something new for Garcia Peoples. In fact, it’s one of my favorite things about them. They are so comfortable with it that I often don’t know if it’s truly improv or a new song they are working on. It’s honestly embarrassing how many times I’ve had to go up to Tom or Andy after a set and ask if something they did was song I don’t know or just jam. Spoiler alert; it’s almost always a jam.

I recorded this with my MBHO cards at stage lip and very nice board feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout. The quality is excellent!

Download and stream from the Live Music Archive!

Garcia Peoples


Deep in the Valley From the Ground Brewery Red Hook, NY

Recorded and produced by kliked for

Source: Source: MBHO440 + SDB> SD MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity FLAC (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

1. Deep In The Valley Jam

Danny and Cesar were unable to make the show so Ryan Jewell sat in on drums and the band did a 30 minute improv piece.

Support this excellent artist:

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Thanks to Chris Bruno for the photo!

Glyders: August 19, 2023 Deep In the Valley

September 6, 2023

Photo by Christopher Bruno

Our coverage of the 2023 Deep In The Valley festival continues!

Glyders are a Chicago based band that plays Rock and Roll. No adjectives, no modifiers, no bullshit. I was familiar with them from the Raven Sings The Blues review of their recent Drag City release, Maria’s Hunt but never had the chance to catch them live. I’m extremely grateful that they made the trek East for this event because they blew me away and I haven’t stopped listening to them since.

Their record runs seamlessly through a variety of musical styles from country to VU style psych. The live show was different. It was a focused ass kicking. A monstrous sounding power trio with a fire breathing telecaster and a rhythm section that sounds like it just smashed its beer bottle on the bar before a fight. This set, dosed in the early afternoon sunlight, was a serious highlight of an incredible afternoon of music. Readers of this site will be familiar with most of the artists from the festival so I’m truly happy to introduce you to something new.

I recorded this with my MBHO cards at stage lip and very nice board feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout. Enjoy it LOUD!

Download and stream from the Live Music Archive!

Deep in the Valley
From the Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Recorded and produced by kliked for

Source: Source: MBHO440 + SDB> SD MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity FLAC (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

  1. Golden Hour
  2. High Time
  3. Wrong Sometimes Right
  4. Geneva Strangemod
  5. New Realm
  6. Moon Eyes
  7. Smooth Walker
  8. Superglyde

Support this excellent band!

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Ryley Walker: August 19, 2023 Deep in the Valley

August 24, 2023

Welcome to our coverage of Deep in the Valley 2023! The second year of our favorite Hudson Valley fest was again held at beautiful From the Ground Brewery in Red Hook, NY and hosted by our friends at Raven Sings the Blues. Thanks to everyone involved for their hospitality. I can’t wait to see you there next year. In the meantime, relax and enjoy some tunes from the day…

First off here’s the day’s headliner Ryley Walker, playing in duo configuration with Ryan Jewell. While not quite full-band, seeing Ryley and Ryan together is always magical and this performance doesn’t disappoint in the least. Ryley-classics “The Halfwit in Me” and “The Roundabout” take center stage here with the jams and detours we love from these songs. I’m a massive fan of Course in Fable and consider it Ryley’s finest, so I was glad to hear “Rang Dizzy” from that one. The last song is an instrumental which I’m sure has a title that is escaping me. Listening back I almost feel like I’m in a field in Red Hook, New York with some apple trees off to the side. This one’s the highlight of a nearly perfect day.

I recorded this with the MBHO omnis at the stage lip, combined with a board feed courtesy of engineer Daniel Stout. The sound quality is outstanding. Enjoy!

Stream and download at the Live Music Archive

Ryley Walker
Deep in the Valley
From the Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Recorded and produced by Eric PH for

Soundboard + MBHO KA100DK/603A (stage lip) > Naiant PFA >> Sound Devices MixPre-6 > WAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC + Izotope Ozone 5 > Audacity 3.0.2 > FLAC

Tracks [43:52]
01. The Halfwit in Me
02. Rang Dizzy
03. The Roundabout
04. Instrumental

Joseph Allred: August 20, 2022 Deep in the Valley

September 20, 2022

Welcome to our coverage of the 2022 Deep in the Valley festival and special deep valley thanks to Raven Sings the Blues and From the Ground Brewery for hosting!

Of all the musicians at Deep in the Valley, it was perhaps Joseph Allred who was most appropriate for the farm and creek-side setting. Allred has been releasing a steady stream of records for about 10 years now and the only constant between them is how consistently excellent and varied they are. From fingerpicked guitar to Lute Music and just about everything in between, his catalog is a multitude of pastoral excursions with varying instrumentation and voice. Allred first came to my attention with 2019’s Branches and Leaves which was released on the always-reliable Feeding Tube Records. Lo and behold, the first song from his Deep in the Valley set was the title track from that album, which like “Scoudrel,” played later in his set, is composed of harmonium and vocals. “Dance of the Fairfolk” and “March of the True Bugs” (great song title!) are both off the The Rambles & Rags of Shiloh, an album which thematically links Biblical and Southern geographies through guitar and banjo instrumentals. And “Lilly Valley Suite” is a medley of a few newer instrumentals. If any one of our recordings from Deep in the Valley can best give you a feel for the day, let this one take you to the country.

Download FLAC and MP3

nyctaper · Joseph Allred – Deep in the Valley 2022
Joseph Allred
Deep in the Valley
From the Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Recorded and produced by Eric PH for

Soundboard + MBHO KA200N/603A (DIN, stage lip) > Naiant PFA >> Sound Devices MixPre-6 > WAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC + Izotope Ozone 5 > Audacity 3.0.2 > FLAC

Tracks [34:24]
01. Branches and Leaves
02. Dance of the Fair Folk
03. Ditch Lilly Suite
04. Scoundrel
05. Tuning
06. March of the True Bugs


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