The fit seems natural — a band called Taper’s Choice and our website devoted to recording and sharing live concerts. It also helps that these folks have long been friends of the site and featured many times on our pages in their other configurations. When we caught TC’s NYC debut in April at the Sultan Room, I was unable to attend and Eric expertly captured an extraordinarily full set of heat. On this night TC opened for another site long-time friend Animal Collective (recording coming soon), so we caught an abbreviated Choice set.
As the threat of a Summer storm rolled in, the band’s set time was also moved up, but all was still well in the world as TC took the stage in the gorgeous daylight air with a like-minded crowd ready for a special night. We’ve always loved Dave Harrington’s guitar playing and in this quartet he has the room to breathe and to shine and on this night he did just that. But this band is about four masterful musicians playing off each other and realizing the magic of improvisation. And in that regard, this brief but powerful set was a clear success.
I recorded this set with the Neumann hypers directly in front of the soundboard tent and the sound in the venue was fabulous, which translates perfectly to this recording. Enjoy!
Download the Complete Show from Archive.org [HERE]
Stream the Complete Show:
Taper’s Choice
Central Park Summerstage
New York NY
Digital Master Recording
Recorded at Front of Soundboard Tent
Neumann KM-150s > Sound Devices 744t > 2 x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (post-production) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and tagging via Foobar)
Recorded and Produced by nyctaper
[Total Time 41:48]
01 Running From the Rain
02 Darkness on the Edge of Midtown
03 Lilac Palace
04 Doner Wrap
Taper’s Choice is:
Dave Harrington, Alex Bleeker, Chris Tomson, Zach Tenorio-Miller
Please Support Taper’s Choice and visit their Bandcamp Page

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