Posts Tagged ‘ barsuk records ’

Yellow Ostrich: December 8, 2014 Glasslands – FLAC/MP3/Streaming FINAL SHOW!!

December 15, 2014

[photos courtesy of David Andrako for BrooklynVegan]

“How do you start when you know it’s gonna end?” Alex Schaaf asks on Yellow Ostrich‘s “How Do You Do It?”. The same could be asked of anyone starting a rock band these days. Or for that matter, a music venue. Yellow Ostrich came onto the scene full of promise, and throughout their five years, they mostly lived up to it, as their popularity soared and the density and complexity of their songs followed. Like a lot of bands these days, this one began as Schaaf’s bedroom project, only growing into a formidable live act after the fact. The first time I saw Yellow Ostrich perform, at Mercury Lounge in 2011, Schaaf was fighting with his vocal loops on “Whale”, putting on a hell of a performance despite the glitch on his first song. Back then, the band had other dates happening at places like Shea Stadium and Piano’s. A year later, they were playing Bowery Ballroom, a confident full band at the top of their game.

But isn’t it painful, in the end, to put forth so much effort, to pour so much of your soul into something, when you know that in all likelihood, a half-decade worth of a run is all you’ll get if you’re lucky? Making music requires so much giving of yourself, it’s hard sometimes to imagine how it can be worth it. You give and give and give, and at best you get a few syncs, a few streams, and hopefully a full house some nights. When things end, chances are that memories will be short. If you matter, in the long run, to a handful of people, you’re lucky.

But if Schaaf and his band felt any melancholy about Yellow Ostrich’s passing, they didn’t show it. It felt right for the band to close things out on the stage at Glasslands, which itself will be no more as of the end of this year. The band will end on a high note, the more confident Cosmos, which pushed their limits while retaining the essential tunefulness of the melodies and intensely personal bent of Schaaf’s words. Tonight the band was on from start to finish, Schaaf bounding across the stage as songs took on added flourishes of guitar and a little something extra in the vocals. This isn’t the same band that started it all, when Jon Natchez joined up to make it a fully-realized creature, but it’s a very good one, equally loyal to Cosmos tunes like “Terrors” and “Things Are Fallin'” as to old greats from The Mistress like “Whale” and the set’s closer, a searing, extra-long “Mary”. While the whole set is streaming below, I wanted to emphasize “Whale”, which has grown so much from that first version I saw played at Mercury. To me this first song on The Mistress is the essential Yellow Ostrich song, and in the three evolving versions I’ve recorded, you capture the band’s story in miniature. The song has always been catchy, but only this time, the entire crowd sang along.

Those of us who spent much if any time in the music scene just across the East River have found much to mourn this season, saying goodbye not only to institutions like Glasslands and DBA but to longtime bands and friends as well. While a moment has ended, this can only be looked at as torch passed. New York has never been the place for those who don’t like change; change is the essential part of its character as a city in almost every way. For his part, Schaaf isn’t going anywhere — he’s already got a new project, Human Heat, with an EP to its credit. I grinned as the band played The Mistress’ “Hate Me Soon”. The truth is, Yellow Ostrich didn’t stick around long enough to give us a chance to. And most times, that’s just the right way to go.

I recorded this set with our installed Glasslands system, Naiant X-R cardiod microphones and a soundboard feed by the band’s FOH Keith Milgaten. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!

Download the complete show: [MP3] | [FLAC]

Stream “Whale”

Stream the complete show

Yellow Ostrich
Brooklyn, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard (engineer: Keith Milgaten) + Naiant X-R>Roland R-26>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (compression, alignment, mixdown, fades)>Izotope Ozone 5 (light EQ, effects)>Audacity 2.0.3 (tracking, amplify, balance, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 1:08:35]
01 Fog
02 Shades
03 Hold On
04 [banter1]
05 Neon Fists
06 How Do You Do It
07 Elephant King
08 My Moons
09 Whale
10 Ghost
11 Any Wonder
12 [banter2]
13 Things Are Fallin’
14 Marathon Runner
15 [banter3]
16 Hate Me Soon
17 Mary

If you enjoyed this recording, please support Yellow Ostrich, visit their website, and buy their records from their online store.


Cymbals Eat Guitars: October 27, 2011 Bowery Ballroom – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

November 2, 2011

[Photo by acidjack]

Cymbals Eat Guitars were critical darlings out of the gate, praised for the fully-realized vision of their 2009 debut album, Why There Are Mountains. While they used many 90s acts as touchstones – Pavement in particular – they were always viewed as purveyors of something new. Indeed, their latest effort and Barsuk Records debut, Lenses Alien, is a challenging followup record that combines frontman and songwriter Joseph D’Agostino’s dense verbiage with a caustic, acid-drenched sound. In this celebratory homecoming at the Bowery Ballroom, fresh off a national tour, the band showed us again what made them so special in the first place. Their songs can shift effortlessly from pop lullabyes to punk screeds, and they often do, keeping the listener on edge – witness the explosive ending to the creepy narrative “Plainclothes.” Although the attendance suffered a bit from the nasty weather, this show was a fitting coda to a tour whose sendoff was at Music Hall of Williamsburg. After playing “And the Hazy Sea” for their second encore – egged on by Noel from Hooray For Earth – CEG left the stage, tired but satisfied. And so were we.

I recorded this set with a soundboard feed from CEG’s longtime engineer Aaron Treptow and Kenny at Bowery Ballroom, and the Schoeps microphones. Aaron is supposedly retiring from live sound work for awhile – work from which he’ll be missed – but we know he will be successful in his future endeavors. We would like to thank him for hosting us.

Stream “Wind Phoenix”:
[audio: Wind Phoenix (Proper Name).mp3]

Stream “Plainclothes”:
[audio: Plainclothes.mp3]

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE] | Direct Download of the FLAC files [HERE]

Follow acidjack on Twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Cymbals Eat Guitars
Bowery Ballroom
New York, NY USA

An acidjack master recording
Recorded and produced by acidjack for

Soundboard+Schoeps MK41>CMC6 (Balcony, DFC, PAS)>SD USBpre2>>Edirol R-44 [Oade Concert Mod]>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Audition (mixdown)>Audacity (set fades, track, amplify, balance)>FLAC Level 8

01 Indiana
02 Plainclothes
03 Shore Points
04 Wavelengths
05 [banter]
06 Definite Darkness>
07 Another Tunguska
08 Rifle Eyesight
09 The Current
10 Keep Me Waiting
11 Cold Spring
12 Secret Family
13 [encore break]
14 Gary Condit
15 Wind Phoenix (Proper Name)
16 [encore break 2]
17 And the Hazy Sea

If you enjoyed this NYCTaper recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Cymbals Eat Guitars, visit their website, visit their MySpace page, and purchase Lenses Alien from the links at their web store [HERE].


DISCLAIMER and LEGAL NOTICE is a live music blog that offers a new paradigm of music distribution on the web. The recordings are offered for free on this site as are the music posts, reviews and links to artist sites. All recordings are posted with artist permission or artists with an existing pro-taping policy.

All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.