List of Recordings

A list of all available recordings on nyctaper

List of All Available nyctaper Recordings – 2008 Posts (Part 2)

July 31, 2008

[image by songbirdnest]

All 2007 Recordings Listed [HERE]
Part 1 of 2008 Recordings (January through June 13) Listed [HERE]

Alphabetical List of All Available Recordings at NYCTAPER.COM
(Click on Title for location):
Posted in 2008, Part 2 (posted since June 13, 2008) (28 Recordings):

Antietam May 31, 2008
Bell June 21, 2008
Bloodsugars June 21, 2008
Bridges and Powerlines June 21, 2008
Brilliant Sweaters June 21, 2008
Deer Tick June 10, 2008
Deer Tick June 20, 2008
Devo Jun 26, 2008
Feelies July 1, 2008
Feelies July 4, 2008
Fiery Furnaces July 17, 2008
Freedy Johnston June 15, 1997
Freedy Johnston July 25, 2008
Health June 21, 2008
High Places July 2, 2008
Ladybug Transistor June 14, 2008
Marco Benevento Trio June 24, 2008
Mark Knopfler July 23, 2008
Matmos July 18, 2008
Oh Custer! June 12, 2008
Pela June 21, 2008
Ponytail June 21, 2008
Ponytail July 13, 2008
Sharon Van Etten June 25, 2008
Sigur Ros June 16, 2008
Stephen Malkmus July 19, 2008
Steve Wynn July 25, 2008
Tom Tom Club June 26, 2008

List of All Available nyctaper Recordings – 2008 Posts (Part 1)

June 13, 2008


Alphabetical List of All Available Recordings at NYCTAPER.COM
(Click on Title for location):
Posted in 2008 (54 Recordings):

Antietam 2008-04-25 Southpaw
Antlers 2008-02-08 Pianos
Antlers 2008-05-11 Pianos
Avey Tare, Deakin and Kria Brekkan 2008-01-20 Glasslands
Awesome Color 2008-05-02 Glasslands
Big Dipper 2008-04-25 Southpaw
Bjorkestra 2008-02-25 Jazz Standard
Black Mountain 2008-02-23 Glasslands
Bon Iver 2008-02-23 Glasslands
Bridges and Powerlines 2008-05-11 Pianos
Bridges and Powerlines 2008-05-30 Cake Shop
British Sea Power 2008-05-10 Bowery Ballroom
British Sea Power 2008-05-19 Maxwell’s
Calvin Johnson 2008-02-17 Bowery Poetry Club
Chris Difford 2008-05-13 Maxwell’s
Dead Confederate 2008-05-29 Pianos
Death Cab For Cutie 2008-06-10 McCarren Pool
Deer Tick 2008-03-30 Mercury Lounge
Diggs 2008-03-28 Union Hall
Dirty on Purpose 2008-04-04 Mercury Lounge
Dirty on Purpose 2008-06-06 Rooftop Concert
Drive-By Truckers 2008-03-26 Terminal 5
Fever Marlene 2008-06-05 Pianos
Fiery Furnaces 2008-01-17 Maxwell’s
Fiery Furnaces 2008-04-26 Southpaw
Hot Buttered Rum 2008-04-18 Highline Ballroom
John Vanderslice 2008-03-30 Mercury Lounge
Kimya Dawson 2008-01-13 Southpaw
Kimya Dawson 2008-04-06 Webster Hall
Loom 2008-05-11 Pianos
Loom 2008-05-29 Pianos
Love Is All 2008-06-12 Cake Shop
Marco Benevento 2008-01-10 Sullivan Hall (sample)
Marco Benevento 2008-01-31 Sullivan Hall
Marco Benevento 2008-04-11 Sullivan Hall
Mission of Burma 2008-01-19 Music Hall of Williamsburg
moe. 2007-12-30 Irving Plaza
moe. 1997-10-30 Baltimore
Mountain Goats 2008-05-16 Masonic Temple
mum 2008-04-22 Gramercy Theatre
mum 2008-04-23 Masonic Temple
National 2008-02-22 BAM
Oakley Hall 2008-02-29 Knitting Factory
Oakley Hall 2008-03-15 Glasslands
Oneida 2008-02-29 Knitting Factory
Oneida 2008-03-22 Market Hotel
Pierce Turner 2008-03-16 Puck Fair
Rings 2008-01-20 Glasslands
Sharon Van Etten 2008-06-06 Pianos
Spanish Prisoners 2008-04-05 Union Hall
Tall Firs 2008-05-02 Glasslands
Tiny Masters of Today 2008-01-13 Southpaw
Was Not Was 2008-05-01 Gramercy Theatre
Whigs 2008-03-26 Terminal 5

One Recording was Removed at the Artist’s Request:
Natalie Merchant 2008-01-08 Hiro Ballroom

List of All Available nyctaper Recordings – 2007 Posts

June 13, 2008


Alphabetical List of All Available Recordings at NYCTAPER.COM
(Click on Title for location):
Posted in 2007 (62 Recordings):
Animal Collective 2007-09-30 Webster Hall
Animal Collective 2007-10-01 Webster Hall
Bjork 2007-05-03 Radio City
Bjork 2007-09-24 Madison Square Garden
Bjorkestra 2007-02-02 Canal Room
Bjorkestra 2007-06-15 Highline Ballroom
Bjorkestra 2007-09-22 Blender Theatre
Black ’47 1996-12-28 Paddy Reilly’s
Bruce Springsteen 2007-10-18 Madison Square Garden
Dinosaur Jr. 2007-06-06 Irving Plaza
Disco Biscuits 2007-08-15 McCarren Pool
Fiery Furnaces 2007-06-30 Maxwell’s
Fiery Furnaces 2007-08-26 Socrates Sculpture Park
Fiery Furnaces 2007-10-06 Sound Fix Records
Fiery Furnaces 2007-11-03 Hiro Ballroom
Fiery Furnaces 2007-12-08 Music Hall of Williamsburg
Figgs 2007-08-03 Maxwell’s
Gary Lucas 2007-11-02 Bowery Poetry Club
Govt Mule 2007-12-28 Beacon Theatre
Hold Steady 2007-09-17 World Trade Center
Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey 2007-09-22 Blender Theatre
Kri­a Brekkan 2007-09-09 St. Mark’s Church
Meat Puppets 2007-08-30 Knitting Factory
Meat Puppets 2007-10-17 Pianos
Mekons 2007-10-03 Blender Theatre
MGMT 2007-12-08 Music Hall of Williamsburg
Mike Watt 1998-10-16 Knitting Factory
Morrissey 2007-10-22 Hammerstein Ballroom
mum 2007-11-09 Church of St. Paul
mum 2007-11-10 Society for Ethical Culture
National 2007-08-17 South Street Seaport
Neil Young 2007-12-19 United Palace
of Montreal 2007-03-09 Irving Plaza
of Montreal 2007-10-13 Roseland
Old 97s 2007-09-17 World Trade Center
Pat McGee Band 2007-08-24 Dewey Beach DE
Phil Lesh and Friends 2007-11-08 Nokia Theatre
Pylon 2007-11-07 Mercury Lounge
Radiohead 2006-06-14 Theatre at MSG
Regina Spektor 2007-10-16 Hammerstein Ballroom
Richard Hawley 2007-12-01 Bowery Ballroom
Richard Thompson 2007-06-21 Prospect Park
Richard Thompson 1997-06-15 Fleadh
Roger Waters 2006-09-12 Madison Square Garden
Roger Waters 2007-05-24 Meadowlands
Roger Waters 2007-05-30 Madison Square Garden
Scott Maher 2007-06-19 Luna Lounge
Sigur Ros 2006-02-09 Theatre at MSG
Sigur Ros 2007-10-03 Gould Hall
So Percussion 2007-11-20 Wintergarden
Squeeze 2007-08-02 Nokia Theatre
Sugarcubes 2006-11-17 Reykjavik
Ted Leo 2007-12-05 Music Hall of Williamsburg
Umphrey’s McGee 2007-08-15 McCarren Pool
White Stripes 2007-07-11 Charlottetown PEI
White Stripes 2007-07-24 Madison Square Garden
Wilco 1997-02-15 Irving Plaza
Wilco 2007-06-25 Hammerstein Ballroom
Yo La Tengo 2007-11-16 Music Hall of Williamsburg
Yo La Tengo 2007-12-06 Maxwell’s
Zappa Plays Zappa 2006-10-31 Theatre at MSG
Zeena Parkins 2006-02-01 Tonic

One Recording was removed as it was later officially released:
New York Dolls 2007-12-29 Irving Plaza

Posted in 2008 Coming Next


DISCLAIMER and LEGAL NOTICE is a live music blog that offers a new paradigm of music distribution on the web. The recordings are offered for free on this site as are the music posts, reviews and links to artist sites. All recordings are posted with artist permission or artists with an existing pro-taping policy.

All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.