24 search results for "bardo pond"

Bardo Pond: February 17, 2018 Union Pool

March 6, 2018

If Williamsburg venue Union Pool is better-known among the GenZ semi-grownups that populate the nabe’s bars these days, don’t tell the people who crowded the room for the Bardo Pond show on this snowy Saturday night — many of us grinning as the hookup-seeking set turned away from door not only by the “SOLD OUT” sign but also the deep noise emanating from behind it.

Bardo Pond is one of those bands that will always cast a deep but not wide net, nestling in the psyche of those able and open to embracing them. Their massive oeuvre — their latest and misleadingly titled Volume 8 is far from only their 8th record — attests to fans’ insatiable desire for what they’re into. Tonight’s set, short on number of songs but long on jams, was anchored by a sprawler from the new album, “And I Will” along with some recent tour favorites. The night capped with a longtime band classic, “Tommy Gun Angel,” putting an exclamation point on the idea that whatever other fleeting things might pass on that Saturday night in that room, this band always leaves echoes long after they’ve left the building.

I recorded this set with Lesley’s house PA feed together with Schoeps MK5 cardiod microphones. The sound is excellent. Enjoy!

Stream and download the complete show (and donate to the band) from our bandcamp page:

Bardo Pond
Union Pool
Brooklyn, NY

Hosted at nyctaper.com
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Schoeps MK5c (at SBD, PAS)>KC5>CMC6 + Soundboard (engineer: Lesley)>>Sound Devices MixPre6>2×24/48 WAV>Adobe Audition CC (align, mix down, compression, limiter)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects)>Audacity 2.0.5 (track, amplify)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Kali Yuga Blues
02 Out of Reach
03 My Eyes Out
04 Under the Pines
05 And I Will
06 Tommy Gun Angel

SUPPORT BARDO POND: Website | Buy Volume 8

Bardo Pond: April 1, 2017 Knockdown Center

April 10, 2017

It was heartening to see The New York Times give such prominent billing to this Bardo Pond show, held at Maspeth’s somewhat-remote but welcoming Knockdown Center this past weekend. If the use of the phrase “noise rock” to describe the band was reductive in extremis, it at least got at the notion that Bardo Pond shows are loud, distortion-drenched, hallucinatory affairs. But give a listen to Under the Pines, which the band played in full at this show to celebrate its release, and vocalist Isobel Sollenberger features more prominently for much of this journey, at least compared to past pairing with the Gibbons brothers and Clint Takeda’s guitar attack. A vocalist is almost always a critical component of a band’s sound, of course, but it feels like Sollenberger is a more confident and featured presence than she’s been at any time in their long career.

We first saw many of these songs at the Three Lobed Sweet Sixteen show we recorded last year, and again at Union Pool in November, and they’ve only gotten sharper and better since. This full-album run through told the album’s story well, demonstrating both its cohesive flow and the diversity of sounds. “My Eyes Out” continues to be one of the more “pretty” songs in the catalog, while “Moment to Moment” continues to establish itself as one of the band’s most vital new long-form songs. In a rare treat (at least, not seen by us since the 2011 Death By Audio show), this set wrapped with the vital combo of “Don’t Know About You” directly into “The Stars Behind.” There’s no new tour information for the band yet, but expect a fun one once they return to the road.

I recorded this set about 10 feet from the left PA stack with Schoeps MK41V microphones and a soundboard feed. The characteristics of the room and the sound being amplified through the stacks (mostly vocals) mean the vocals are a bit more prominent in this recording than would be optimal. Nonetheless, it is an enjoyable listen!

Download this show from the Live Music Archive: [MP3] | [FLAC]

Bardo Pond
Knockdown Center
Maspeth, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at nyctaper.com
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Schoeps MK41V (FOB, LOC)>KCY>Z-PFA + Soundboard>>Zoom F8>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CC (align, mix down, hard limiter)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects)>Audacity 2.03. (track, amplify, balance, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 1:14:54]
01 Crossover
02 Out of Reach
03 My Eyes Out
04 [banter1]
05 Moment to Moment
06 Under the Pines
07 Effigy
08 [banter2]
09 Don’t Know About You>
10 The Stars Behind

SUPPORT Bardo Pond: Website | Three Lobed Recordings | Fire Records

Bardo Pond: November 18, 2016 Union Pool

December 14, 2016

[photo by Greg Cristman for BrooklynVegan. Used with permission.]

Despite being from nearby Philly, Bardo Pond don’t make it to New York nearly as often as I would like. Or maybe my version of “often” is too frequent. Either way, the band continue to prove their vitality and consistency into their third decade. This show at Union Pool began with one of their more recent favorites of mine, “Kali Yuga Blues” from Peace on Venus, but spread across the spectrum of the band’s career, from the Lapsed classic “Straw Dog” to several brand-new songs that haven’t made their way onto official releases yet.  Of the new ones, it was my first time hearing, “My Eyes Out,” a heavy, relatively fast-burning scorcher of a tune. It’s equally hard to deny the band’s new more exploratory number, “Moment to Moment,” which closed out this show for fourteen mind-bending minutes. If there was any regret about this show, it was that the show’s tight timetable meant that it couldn’t go on longer. Judging by the band’s appearances this year, they are feeling more artistically vital than ever, and ready to prove it. Hope to see them again soon.

I recorded this set with a soundboard feed from Union Pool engineer Robert (which fades in after about 50 seconds), together with Schoeps MK4V microphones. The only other flaw in the sound is the hiss of the smoke machine, but it’s less a true flaw than “atmospherics.” Overall, the sound is excellent. Enjoy!

Stream and download this recording from our bandcamp page – pay what you want (all $$ to Bardo Pond)

Bardo Pond 
Union Pool
Brooklyn, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at  nyctaper-official.bandcamp.com
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard (engineer: Robert) + Schoeps MK4V (at SBD, PAS)>KCY>Z-PFA>>Zoom F8>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CC (align, mix down, compression, fades)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects, image)>Audacity 2.0.3 (track, amplify, balance, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 1:08:31]
01 Kula Yuga Blues
02 Taste
03 Be A Fish
04 Two Planes
05 Crossover
06 Out of Reach
07 Straw Dog
08 My Eyes Out
09 Under the Pines
10 Moment to Moment

SUPPORT Bardo Pond: Website | Three Lobed Recordings | Fire Records

Bardo Pond: March 26, 2016 Three Lobed Sweet Sixteen Spectacular, King’s (Raleigh, NC)

April 6, 2016

[photo by David Schwentker]

Sixteen years ago, longtime rabid music fan and newly minted law student Cory Rayborn came up with an audacious, maybe even ridiculous idea: He would press a ten-inch containing some unreleased Bardo Pond material and sell it for money. Anyone who knows much about the economics of record labels, or the vagaries of vinyl production — especially in the vinyl-challenged year 2000 — knows that usually translates to “lose a bunch of money and piss off a bunch of customers in the process.” But a funny thing ended up happening: First there was that Bardo record, Slab, of which the 500-LP run would go on to sell out. Not but another couple releases in came Purposeful Availment, an 8-CD series that also featured Bardo Pond.  Then there was TLR-012, an LP of Bardo Pond playing with Tom Carter, followed in short order by the Cypher Documents CD. Then another CD series, Modern Containment, found Bardo back on Three Lobed, with their Adrop CD. There are more than ten others since, right up to 2014’s Shone Like A Ton and Refulgo releases and their contribution to the Parallelogram series last year. Out of Three Lobed Recordings‘ 117 total current releases, the Philadelphia-based band makes up not only the largest percentage of the label’s releases, but they’re the label’s original reason for being.

Since that first 10″, Three Lobed has grown, but its original mission hasn’t changed. The label has kept things willfully weird, releasing everything from Bardo Pond’s feedback-soaked psychedelia to the drone/free jazz sounds of Glacial (Lee Ranaldo, David Watson and Tony Buck), to the Parallelogram contribution from Alan Bishop, Bill Orcutt and Chris Corsano, capped with its brain-damaged cover of Cream’s “Politican,” to the delicate guitar work of Danny Paul Grody, to his work with Hiss Golden Messenger and Steve Gunn. Both the Three Lobed name and its iconic logo suggest not just an expanded but an integrated, functioning mind, and at the root of all those seemingly disparate releases has been Rayborn’s, a font of curatorial taste. In his mind, all of these radically different sounds belong together, and in his presentation of them, he connects the dots.

So it meant a great deal, to Rayborn personally and to the followers of the Three Lobed experience, for Bardo Pond’s evening set to close out the marathon of music that was the “Sweet Sixteen Spectacular,” and for them to do with a sprawling, career-spanning set that represented their first return to North Carolina in thirteen years. “Kali Yuga Blues” began the night, with Isobel Sollenberger’s moan floating above the guitar haze. After another Peace on Venus number the setlist went twenty years back to 1996’s Amanita for “Be A Fish” before hurling into what may have been the first live performance of their Parallelogram contribution, “Screens for a Catch (Fur Bearing Eyes)”. Along with four new songs, the band threw in one of the very oldest — “Absence” from Bufo Alvarius — followed by another older number, “Straw Dog,” from Lapsed. Drug references by the band are as prolific as its catalog, and by this point in the evening, even the sober among this crowd had probably lost their sense of time. The set’s, and the night’s, spiritual peak came during the new song “Moment to Moment,” a twelve-minute deep dive into the band’s vision, with each of us led through the deep bed of guitar by Sollenberger’s flute, her voice howling ahead into the void.

There was no encore, but one wasn’t needed after the last song, “Tommy Gun Angel,” whose lyrics about rejoining the primordial ooze, melting away like the snow, gave a long-eyed perspective to the proceedings. Every little contribution makes up part of a larger one, a few more positive ions added to the charge of existence. You never know where a dorm room dream like putting out a ten inch record for one of your favorite bands might take you. It might end up something just for you and the smallest group of friends. Or it might be something great.

I recorded this set with four soundboard channels from King’s engineer Brad Womack, together with Schoeps MK22 microphones onstage and MBHO microphones hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room. Save for a one-second glitch during the first song, the sound quality is outstanding. Enjoy!

Download the complete show from its page on the Live Music Archive: [MP3] | [FLAC]

Stream the complete show

Bardo Pond
Three Lobed Sweet Sixteen Spectacular
Raleigh, NC USA

Exclusive download hosted at nyctaper.com
Recorded and produced by acidjack

4x Soundboard channels (engineer: Brad Womack) + MBHO 603a/KA200N (FOB, DFC, PAS) + Schoeps MK22 (onstage, ORTF, DFC)>KC5>CMC6>Aeta PSP3 >> Zoom F8>8x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (align, mix down, compression)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects)>Audacity 2.0.3 (track, amplify, balance, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 [intro]
02 Kali Yuga Blues
03 Taste
04 Be A Fish
05 Screens for A Catch (Fur Bearing Eyes)
06 Two Planes
07 [banter]
08 Crossover
09 Out of Reach
10 Absence
11 Straw Dogs
12 Pine Trees
13 Moment to Moment
14 [tuning]
15 Everyman
16 Tommy Gun Angel

SUPPORT Bardo Pond: Website | Three Lobed Recordings | Fire Records


Bardo Pond: November 19, 2011 Death By Audio – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

November 29, 2011

[iphone photo by acidjack]

Bardo Pond belongs to a select group of contemporary bands that are beyond categorization. Arguably their nearest contemporaries are Godspeed, but even that is an imperfect comparison. Bardo performs sweeping guitar based soundscapes, but within a song structure. At Death By Audio last weekend, the band performed a representative hour-long set to a modest but enthusiastic crowd. Along with 285 Kent, DBA has become a primary Brooklyn DIY venue with an upgraded sound system and excellent staff. The atmosphere was perfect for the Bardo show, as the relaxed approach and positive energy in the venue seemed to motivate the band. In fact, lead singer/flutist Isobel Sollenberger thanked the venue several times throughout the show. The highlight of the set was the finale, a thirteen minute version of “The Stars Behind”, which seems to encapsulate all that makes Bardo so compelling — melodic guitar intro, sweet vocals, and a slow-building powerful crescendo that crashes into an electronic outro. Its streaming below.

acidjack and I recorded this set by attaching a pair of DPA 4061 omnidirectional microphones to the low ceiling about ten feet in front of the stage, and mixed with a fine soundboard feed. The results are outstanding. Enjoy!

Stream “The Stars Behind”:

This recording is now available to download in FLAC and MP3 at Archive.org [HERE].

Bardo Pond
Death By Audio
Brooklyn, NY USA

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Audience Matrix

Soundboard + DPA 4061s > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2 x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper and acidjack 2011-11-27

[Total Time 1:11:01]
01 [soundcheck jam]
02 Limerick
03 Just Once
04 Rumination
05 Tommy Gun Angel
06 Cracker Wrist
07 Isle
08 Fur
09 Don’t Know About You
10 The Stars Behind

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Bardo Pond, visit their website, and purchase Bardo Pond from Fire Records here or their earlier releases from their Merch store [HERE].

Bardo Pond: November 20, 2010 Bell House, Brooklyn, NY – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

December 2, 2010

Bardo Pond came to Brooklyn a couple Saturdays ago to headline an event at the Bell House appropriately titled the “Memory Burn Psych Fest.” If you have seen Bardo’s live show before, you know they picked the right event, as they have been known, at times, to sear one’s mind.  I cannot describe their sound any better than this article from Terrascope did:

Bardo Pond has the outward specifications of a rock band – guitars, bass, keyboards, drums, occasional but crucial flute and violin and vocals – but the rivers that converge into the band’s oneiric flow have their headwaters in the outlands of ecstatic jazz, free noise and the avant-garde. Their slow-motion avalanches of churning instrumentation and voice suggest drugged states but don’t necessarily require them. They alter brain chemistry by the alchemical effect of distressed sound alone, aspiring to become engineers of the soul’s passage to alternate states of consciousness. At the foundation of the pyramid, the drums of (originally) Joe Culver and (now) Ed Farnsworth and the bass of Clint Takeda lay down a sinewy, sexy and hypnagogic bottom end. At the centre of the pyramid, the twin guitars of John and Michael Gibbons send out emissaries of fire, flaying flesh from bone in a storm of holy liberation. Isobel Sollenberger inhabits the place where the pyramid meets the eye of their storm, weaving fibres of voice, flute and violin through the din. I heard someone comment recently that the limits of music have now been defined, bracketed by John Cage’s silence at one end and Merzbow’ss maximum noise at the other, leaving only the option of filling the spaces in between. Bardo Pond demonstrate how much scope there is to innovate within that continuum. If rock music is to have any relevance in the new millennium, it is bands like Bardo Pond that will make it so.

For nearly twenty years, Bardo Pond has produced an ever-evolving series of sonic explorations, including the outstanding 2001 release, Dilate.  This show helped to celebrate, in part, the band’s eponymous new LP,  Bardo Pond, which drops next week on December 6 on the UK-based Fire Records.  In a tantalizing preview of what is to come, kicking off with “Limerick” and “Rumination” from Amanita and flowing into four songs of new material.  Although I had heard only one of the new songs before, they continue the band’s by-now-signature tradition of a massive, churning wall of guitars, with Sollenberger’s vocals seething in and out of focus.  When the show ended, we all had to stand there for a second and pause, ears ringing and minds blown.  Bardo’s mission was accomplished.

Stream and download this show in MP3/FLAC/Ogg on the Live Music Archive [HERE]

Stream one of the new songs:
[audio:http://bit.ly/fRhGCJ ]

Bardo Pond
Bell House
Brooklyn, NY  USA

An acidjack master recording
Recorded and produced by acidjack for nyctaper.com

Equipment: Schoeps CMC6/mk41+Soundboard>Edirol R-44 [Oade Concert Mod] (24/48)
Position: DFC, pole clamped to soundboard about 9ft from floor, pointed at stacks
Mastering: 2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (set fades, mixdown, track, amplify and balance, downsample to 16/44.1)>FLAC ( level 8 )

1. Limerick
2. Rumination
3. [new song]
4. [new song]
5. [new song]
6. [new song]
7. [banter]
8. Flux
9. [unknown]

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Bardo Pond, visit their website, and purchase Bardo Pond from Fire Records here.

Radio23.org to Stream Sonic Youth and Bardo Pond Tonight

May 16, 2009

The new web broadcast station at Radio23.org will stream live tonight the No Fun Fest featuring sets by Sonic Youth and Bardo Pond at Music Hall of Williamsburg.

Tune in to Radio23.org [here], at 1:00 am EST.

We had a show for a brief period on this excellent site (“NYCTaper Live”), but could not maintain the commitment of producing a two-hour show each week. However, when Radio23.org introduces a streaming live station in the Fall, we do anticipate an nyctaper feature.

Vapour Theories: June 24, 2021 Sunflower Philly (Philadelphia, PA)

May 31, 2022

It’s been far too long since we’ve heard from the mighty Bardo Pond. (Though they’ve been quietly reissuing their 90’s albums.) But the Gibbons brothers—John and Michael—have kept busy with their Vapour Theories side project, releasing the aptly-titled Celestial Scuzz last year. It might not come as a surprise that Vapour Theories sounds a lot like Bardo Pond stripped of everything but the guitars.

Last year we caught the brothers opening for Birds of Maya in their hometown Philadelphia, outdoors on a beautiful early Summer day, and here (finally!) is that recording. Besides a little ambient noise from the outdoor setting, the sound is excellent. Enjoy!

Stream and download the full show at the Live Music Archive.

Vapour Theories
Sunflower Philly
Philadelphia, PA

Vapour Theories is John and Michael Gibbons of Bardo Pond

Recorded and produced by Eric PH for nyctaper.com

MBHO KA200N/603A > Naiant PFA >> Sound Devices MixPre-6 > WAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC + Izotope Ozone 5 > Audacity 3.0.2 > FLAC

01. Part 1
02. Part 2

Buy Celestial Scuzz via Bandcamp
Buy Bardo Pond records via Bandcamp

Double Wig: September 6, 2019 Three Lobed / WXDU Annual Ritual of Summoning (Raleigh, NC)

October 10, 2019

Fresh off a longstanding stint as the bassist in Bardo Pond, Clint Takeda has emerged with a new solo project, Double Wig. This show at the annual Three Lobed / WXDU Annual Ritual of Summoning during Hopscotch was most folks’ first introduction to the project, and Clint made sure to keep us all enthralled with an improvisational piece powered by a number of effects that rendered the sound of Clint’s bass almost unrecognizable as one. These are still early days for Double Wig, with only a few performances or even mentions out there in the wild, so we are excited to see what Clint does with the project.

I recorded this set in the same manner as the other shows of the day, with Schoeps MK5c’s on stage, a soundboard feed, and MBHO mics and the Aerco preamp back at the board. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!

Download the complete show: [MP3/FLAC/ALAC]

Double Wig
Three Lobed / WXDU Annual Ritual of Summoning
Raleigh, NC USA

Recorded and produced by acidjack

Schoeps MK5c (onstage, XY, DFC)>KC5>CMC6 + Soundboard + MBHO MBP603/KA200N>Aerco MP2>>Sound Devices MixPre6>24/48 polyWAV>Adobe Audition CC>Izotope Ozone 5>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 improvisation

Double Wig is Clint Takeda

SUPPORT DOUBLE WIG (WHEN THEY HAVE A WEBSITE). Meanwhile, check out Clint’s other solo work on Discogs.

Dire Wolves: February 7, 2019 Union Pool

February 15, 2019
Photos by Drew Gardner

San Francisco’s Dire Wolves don’t come around too often, but when they do they bring the heat. This one features the Wolves’ Jeffrey Alexander backed by what he calls a “strange” version of the band: Jesse Sheppard (Elkhorn) on bass, Jeff Tobias (Sunwatchers) on sax, and Scott Verrastro (Bardo Pond) on drums. What results is the Wolves’ shaggy psych mixed with jazzy excursions.

Speaking of which, it’s Excursions to Cloudland, released on Beyond Beyond is Beyond Records, that hipped me to Dire Wolves. And then there’s also this fantastic split with Headroom that I’ve gravitated towards when looking for a fix. Dire Wolves will have another one out with BBiB sometime soon so stay tuned to find out what new lands they’ve got in store.

Thanks to Jeff Conklin for putting on this awesome bill. Tune in to The Avant Ghetto on WFMU for more of the goods!

I recorded this set with our usual setup for Union Pool: a board feed from FOH extraordinaire Doug combined with the MBHOs in DIN configuration at the board. The sound is excellent. Enjoy!

Downloads available at the Live Music Archive

Dire Wolves (Inspiration Family Band)
Union Pool
Brooklyn, NY

Recorded and produced by Eric PH for nyctaper.com

Soundboard (engineer: Doug) + MBHO KA200N/603A (DIN) > Naiant PFA >> Sound Devices MixPre-6 > WAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC (mixdown, compression, normalize, fades) + Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, compression) > Audacity 2.0.5 (tracking, tagging) > FLAC (24/48, level 8)

Tracks [55:32]
01. Grow Towards The Light
02. Transmigrations
03. Enter Quietly > Take A Step Back
04. West Ellet Fadeaway

Buy Dire Wolves music via Bandcamp
• •
Buy Excursions to Cloudland via Beyond Beyond is Beyond



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