Fresh off a longstanding stint as the bassist in Bardo Pond, Clint Takeda has emerged with a new solo project, Double Wig. This show at the annual Three Lobed / WXDU Annual Ritual of Summoning during Hopscotch was most folks’ first introduction to the project, and Clint made sure to keep us all enthralled with an improvisational piece powered by a number of effects that rendered the sound of Clint’s bass almost unrecognizable as one. These are still early days for Double Wig, with only a few performances or even mentions out there in the wild, so we are excited to see what Clint does with the project.
I recorded this set in the same manner as the other shows of the day, with Schoeps MK5c’s on stage, a soundboard feed, and MBHO mics and the Aerco preamp back at the board. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!
Download the complete show: [MP3/FLAC/ALAC]
Double Wig
Three Lobed / WXDU Annual Ritual of Summoning
Raleigh, NC USA
Recorded and produced by acidjack
Schoeps MK5c (onstage, XY, DFC)>KC5>CMC6 + Soundboard + MBHO MBP603/KA200N>Aerco MP2>>Sound Devices MixPre6>24/48 polyWAV>Adobe Audition CC>Izotope Ozone 5>FLAC ( level 8 )
01 improvisation
Double Wig is Clint Takeda
SUPPORT DOUBLE WIG (WHEN THEY HAVE A WEBSITE). Meanwhile, check out Clint’s other solo work on Discogs.
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