This year marks ten years since Animal Collective released Merriweather Post Pavilion, and coincidentally ten years since the recordings of their landmark gigs at The Bowery Ballroom and Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom crashed the NYCTaper servers. Since then we’ve seen Animal Collective countless times and have covered shows by each member individually, none more than Avey Tare.
Back in 2017, Avey returned to The Bowery Ballroom to play songs off Eucalyptus and preview his most current album, Cows on Hourglass Pond. Never content to linger in the same place too long, last week’s show at Market Hotel was heavy on the Cows songs, with one song each from Eucalyptus and Down There. The sole unreleased song from this set, “Enjoy the Change,” was also played back at Bowery but surprisingly didn’t end up Cows.
I recorded this set with Market Hotel’s installed Audio Technica 4051’s, combined with a board feed courtesy of the venue and engineer, Eric. The sound is outstanding. Enjoy!
Avey Tare
Market Hotel
Brooklyn, NY
Recorded and produced by Eric PH for
Soundboard (engineer: Eric) + AT4051 >> Sound Devices MixPre-6 > WAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC (mixdown, compression, normalize, fades) + Izotope Ozone (EQ, compression) > Audacity 2.0.5 (tracking, tagging) > FLAC (24/48, level 8)
Tracks [1:24:30]
01. Remember Mayan
02. What’s the Goodside?
03. HORS_
04. Eyes on Eyes
05. Taken Boy
06. K.C. Yours
07. Enjoy the Change
08. When You Left Me
09. Heads Hammock
10. Nostalgia in Lemonade
11. Saturdays (Again)
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