Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

August 19, 2024

Photo by Christopher Bruno

The NYCTaper coverage of the 2024 Deep in the Valley festival continues with Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders! 

Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders became the first group to play at the festival twice, having appeared in year one.  For this set, the core four were joined by Wednesday Knudsen (sax) and Ron Schneiderman (guitar), and John Moloney (percussion) fresh off their set with Sunburned Hand of The Man.  The septet configuration of the Lidders gave us a one-song set. One 45-minute version of the classic psychedelic mind fuck, “Dark Star.” 

Phil Lesh once said, “Dark Star is always playing somewhere.  All we do is tap into it.”  On this day, Dark Star was being played in a field near an apple Orchard in Red Hook NY and the Lidders absolutely tapped into it. Rumor has it, upon playback, one member of the band had a full psychedelic experience complete with walls moving.  Live, it hit me so hard I was forced back to my camping chair to recalibrate for about ten minutes.  Your mileage may vary. 

This was recorded from stage lip with my MBHOs and wonderful soundboard feed from FOH engineer Daniel Stout.  The quality is excellent.  Get your mind right and blast off! 

Stream and download from the Live Music Archive!

Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders
Deep in The Valley Festival
From The Ground Brewery
Red Hook, NY

Source: MBHO 440 + SDB > MixPre 3 > SD (24/48) > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Recorded and produced by kliked for

Thanks to FOH engineer Daniel Stout for the board patch!

  1. Dark Star*

The Heavy Lidders are:
Jeffrey Alexander – guitar, vocal
Drew Gardner – guitar,
Jesse Sheppard – bass
Scott Verrastro – drums


John Moloney – Percussion
Wednesday Knudsen – Sax
Ron Schneiderman – Guitar

Please support this excellent artist!

Please support Raven Sings The Blues!

Photo by Christopher Bruno:

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4 Responses to Jeffrey Alexander & The Heavy Lidders: August 10, 2024 Deep In The Valley

  1. Mark B
    August 19, 2024 at 3:40 pm

    this was the highlight of the day (and it was a day with many highlights…). thanks for sharing

  2. Kliked
    August 20, 2024 at 9:04 am

    It was a special set for sure. Glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Mark B
    August 20, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    playing this today on my weekly psychedelic radio show – 420 NYC time on (don’t worry, i don’t actually play any prog….)

  4. Kliked
    August 20, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    I will not tolerate any Prog disrepect in these comments! I’ll be sure to check out the show with or without prog content;)

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