As if further proof were needed, this first-time collaboration between Mary Lattimore and Bill Nace proves that she is easily the most versatile and dynamic harpist on the planet. As for Nace — perhaps best-known of late for his work in Body/Head but with a decades-long list of experimental guitar solo projects and collaborations under his belt — anyone who has seen him perform knows that you can never be sure what you’ll hear, but you can be assured it will be done with intention and skill.
This set, during the outdoor portion of the final day of the Three Lobed Recordings 21st anniversary festival, might have been the most special I’ve seen from either artist. Nace brought a rare (in the west) instrument, the taishogoto, to the table for the collaboration, and the combination with Lattimore’s harp proved extraordinary — something so delicate, rare and beautiful that the pairing of the two musicians almost felt obvious instead of new. Early word on the street is that the musicians agree: we may well see something committed to release at some point in the future.
Don’t take my word for it. Press play on the stream below, make sure your set and setting are smooth, and drift in.
I recorded this set with Wayne’s excellent house mix and Schoeps mics in the audience. The sound quality is outstanding. Enjoy!
Download in FLAC, MP3 and Apple Lossless
Mary Lattimore and Bill Nace
April 16, 2022
Three Lobed Recordings 21st Anniversary
Karsh Alumni Center
Duke University
Durham, NC
Recorded and produced by acidjack
Live sound by Wayne
Soundboard + Schoeps MK4V>KC5>CMC6>>Sound Devices MixPre 6>24/44.1 WAV>Adobe Audition CC>Izotope Ozone 5>Audacity>FLAC
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