After watching three experimental/improv projects at the Three Lobed / WXDU Annual Ritual of Summoning, this spectacular day pivoted with a return to some straight-ahead punk. Cold Cream is a project from Triangle punk lifers from bands such as Flesh Wounds, Pipe, and Tegucigalpan, so despite their first record’s arrival in 2018, they own a room like the vets they are.
Here at Kings, Cold Cream energized the room with their erudite, politically-charged songs (not sure how many punk bands work “Dulce et decorum est / Pro patria mori” into their lyrics, but they do). Given the political climate in North Carolina, “Rat Fucker” (about gerrymandering and other forms of voter disenfranchisement) particularly resonated. But really, none of that would matter if the band didn’t, you know, rock, and that they most assuredly do. Tune in and turn this up loud.
I recorded this set in the same manner as the other sets of the day, with Schoeps mics onstage, MBHO mics at the board, and a soundboard feed. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!
Download the complete set: [FLAC/MP3/ALAC]
Cold Cream
Three Lobed / WXDU Annual Ritual of Summoning
Raleigh, NC USA
Recorded and produced by acidjack
MBHO MBP603A/KA200N (at SBD, PAS)>Aerco MP-2 + Soundboard + Schoeps MK5c (onstage, XY)>KC5>CMC6>>Sound Devices MixPre6>24/48 polyWAV>Adobe Audition CC>Izotope Ozone 5>Audacity 2.3.0>FLAC ( level 8 )
01 [intro]
02 Anti-Fi
03 Eichmann In Jerusalem
04 First They Came>
05 Angie
06 Wage Theft
07 Decorate
08 Rat Fucker
09 In Carrz
10 Objects In Mirror
11 See You On the Somme
12 Cactus Wife
13 Shit Bird
14 Fasting
Cold Cream is:
Mara Thomas – Vocals
Clarq Blomquist – Drums
Laura King – Bass
Ron Liberti – Guitar
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