Dire Wolves: September 21, 2017 Union Pool

October 4, 2017

If one thing has felt consistent in the world in the past year, it’s been Beyond Is Beyond Is Beyond records and their roster of incredible acts. If you’ve got a predilection for all things psychedelic, you absolutely can’t miss one of their releases. In a crowded field of standouts this year, the label released Dire Wolves‘ Excursions to Cloudland, and I was hooked from the first note. The San Francisco band doesn’t make it out east all that often, and that made me even more pumped for this Union Pool show — their first NYC show in eight years. The three-song set (their songs are long) didn’t disappoint, with the band’s expansive jamming on full display on three songs I hadn’t heard before. Not only is Dire Wolves one of relatively few bands of their type with a string section, but the current lineup also features two vocalists (Georgia and Rachael) whose voices meld seamlessly into the sonic tapestry, more as additional instruments within the whole rather than the traditional rock vocal format. Don’t confuse the album title with the band’s vibe; there is a tension, a darkness even, that flows through these songs, particularly the set closer, “Absolutely Perfect Sisters.” Their music creates a journey, but it’s more saga than fairytale, with brooding and ecstasy in equal measures. In the end, though, seeing a band this good is always a pleasure trip, no matter what the exact themes. Get acquainted.

I recorded this set with MBHO microphones and the house mix by Doug. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!

It’s very cool that this bandcamp release has already made a 2017 Uncut playlist. If you’re not familiar with Uncut, check it out.

Download the complete show: [MP3/FLAC]

Dire Wolves
Union Pool
Brooklyn, NY USA

MBHO MBP603/KA200N (at SBD, PAS) + Soundboard (engineer: Doug)>Sound Devices MixPre6 (24bit/48kHz WAV)>Adobe Audition CC (align, mix down, compression)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects)>Audacity 2.0.3 (track, amplify, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 I Control the Weather
02 Crone In the Mud
03 Absolutely Perfect Sisters

SUPPORT DIRE WOLVES: Website | Facebook | buy their records

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