Built to Spill: May 11, 2015 Music Farm (Charleston, SC) – FLAC/MP3/Streaming Songs

May 19, 2015


Being at the forefront of the guitar-driven indie rock scene for over 20 years, Built to Spill have cemented their reputation with a lot of hard work.  With a string of superlative albums, first-rate musicianship and songcraft, and seemingly nonstop touring, it’s very well deserved.  After a few personnel changes as of late, frontman Doug Martsch and company have just released their newest disc, the lauded ‘Untethered Moon‘, and are back on the road to support itBeing almost exactly a year since I last saw the band, I was very excited not only to see them perform again but to also catch my first concert in Charleston and at the famed Music Farm.  Known for wearing their influences on their sleeves by way of an extensive list of cover songs, the group dialed it back a bit for this outing and focused primarily on their own material, including a handful of tracks from the new album.  The exception being a 14+ minute workout of Neil Young’s “Cowgirl in the Sand”, streaming below.  It’s the surprises like this that keep reminding you how Built to Spill stays at the peak of their game.

Set up dead center and right in front of the board, we couldn’t have asked for a better location to record from.  And with the band’s soundman, Ian, at the helm with assistance from the venue’s FOH, Mike, the sound was excellent.  We hope you like what you hear as much as we did.  Enjoy!

Stream “On the Way”:

Stream “Cowgirl in the Sand”:

Direct download of the complete show in MP3 [HERE]
Direct download of the complete show in FLAC [HERE]

If any of the links are no longer working, email nyctaper with a request for the download location of the files.

Follow Johnny Fried Chicken Boy on Twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense.  The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission.  Please respect our request.

Built to Spill
Monday, May 11, 2015
Music Farm
Charleston, SC, USA

Source: Milab VM-44 Links (cardioid) > Edirol R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz)
Lineage: R-44 > PC > Adobe Audition (mixdown, downsample, dither, tracking) > WAV (16-bit/44.1kHz) > TLH (check/fix SBEs, FLAC conversion) > FLAC ( level 8 )
Recorded and produced by: Johnny Fried Chicken Boy

[Total time: 1:40:20]
01. Made-Up Dreams
02. Living Zoo
03. Distopian Dream Girl
04. Kicked It in the Sun
05. On the Way
06. So
07. [banter]
08. The Wait
09. You Were Right
10. Nowhere Nothin’ Fuckup
11. Never Be the Same
12. Trimmed and Burning
13. Pat
14. [tuning / banter]
15. Stab
16. [encore break]
17. Cowgirl in the Sand  [Neil Young]
18. Carry the Zero

If you download this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Built to Spill, visit their website and Facebook page, go see their concerts, and purchase their official releases and merchandise [HERE], at Amazon, iTunes, or your favorite record store or retailer. 

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One Response to Built to Spill: May 11, 2015 Music Farm (Charleston, SC) – FLAC/MP3/Streaming Songs

  1. sdc..
    May 31, 2015 at 9:44 pm

    This turned out really nicely. It sounds like Doug Martsch was in a great mood. Thanks so much.

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