The band Phish will be celebrating its 30th year of existence this year – an impressive feat for any band, but even more so for one as consumed with playing long, varied sets that maintains a pretty intense tour schedule when they’re out. But as Trey Anastasio reminded us at the beautifully refurbished Capitol Theatre in the Westchester suburbs last week, his Trey Anastasio Band project has had some staying power of its own. This year marks that band’s fifteenth anniversary, and that showed. It might even be fair to say that, with a less rigorous schedule and many fewer dates in each of those years, this band has more room to grow as a unit than the mothership itself. Trey has long since been at a point in his career where he can do what he wants, and TAB gives him even more freedom to be as eccentric and humorous as he wants to be. From the Honey Boo Boo jokes to the inspired cover of Bob Marley’s “Small Axe”, this second night of the Capitol run showed a band and a leader comfortable with where they are and thoroughly enjoying the tunes they had to offer. The set included some less-played numbers like “Greyhound” and “Words to Wanda”, and of course, some songs from Trey’s new record, Traveler, including our favorite, “Valentine.” Three of us from the nyctaper crew attended the show, and I think it’s fair to say a good time was had by all.
The Capitol Theatre is a welcome new (re-)addition to the NYC-area venue scene. The site of some legendary Grateful Dead shows has been lovingly restored to its former glory, with the added bonus of a friendly, competent and cool staff. We wish the new venue well and hope to return soon.
I recorded this set with Schoeps MK41 microphones from the official taper section of the venue, joined by Johnny Fried Chicken Boy and hi and lo. While the Capitol asks that we keep mic stands fairly low – meaning closer to chatty audience members – we found the sound in the spot to be nearly flawless, and the resulting recording reflects the theater’s fine acoustics and the outstanding effort’s of Trey’s FOH team. Enjoy!
Direct download of the complete show: [MP3] | [FLAC]
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Trey Anastasio Band
Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, NY
Recorded and produced by acidjack
Setlist courtesy of
Schoeps MK41 (DFC, BOB, PAS)>KCY>Z-PFA>Roland R-26>24bit/48kHz WAV>Izotope Ozone 5 (light EQ)>Audacity (set fades, tracking, amplify, balance, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 )
Set 1 [Total Time: 1:32:08]
01 Drifting
02 Last Tube
03 Greyhound Rising
04 Night Speaks to a Woman
05 Mozambique
06 Wherever You Find It
07 Words to Wanda
08 Burlap Sack and Pumps
09 Spin>
10 Scabbard
11 A Case of Ice and Snow
12 Traveler
Set 2 [Total Time: 1:30:42]
13 Curlew’s Call
14 Gotta Jibboo
15 Small Axe [Bob Marley]
16 Valentine
17 Plasma
18 Shine
19 The Way I Feel>
20 Mr. Completely>
21 Ether Sunday>
22 First Tube
23 [encore break]
24 Black Dog [Led Zeppelin]
Trey Anastasio
Jennifer Hartswick
Russ Lawton
Tony Markellis
Ray Paczkowski
Natalie Cressman
Cyro Baptista
James Casey
If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Trey Anastasio, visit his website, and buy his latest record, Traveler, at his online store [HERE]
I Love Phish !
I hope Phish come to play in Japan
Thanks for this. Sounds great!
You’re welcome! Hope you enjoy it.