Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls: September 30, 2012 Webster Hall – FLAC / MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

October 18, 2012

[Photos courtesy of Nicole C. Kibert.  See more of her excellent work HERE]

For a few years now, I’ve had several people telling me that I must go see a Frank Turner concert.  After listening to a few of his studio releases, I put him on my short-list of performers to catch.  With lyrics that spoke to the common man and woman about dealing with everyday problems and extolling life’s simple pleasures, accompanying generally upbeat, ear-catching song structure, I easily saw the appeal of his music.  What I wasn’t prepared for was the complete and utter adulation of the folks at the show.  Shortly after arriving, I met one girl who had seen him a dozen times and several others who claimed to have nearly as many Turner performances or more under their belts.  Hitting the stage for the second, and sold-out, night of a pair at Webster Hall, Frank and his excellent band, The Sleeping Souls (with guitarist Ben Lloyd, bassist Tarrant Anderson, keyboardist Matt Nasir and drummer Nigel Powell), had the majority of the crowd singing every word to the songs right from the start and, basically, at their beck and call.  Clap your hands?  No problem.  Play air harmonica?  We’re on it.  Dance around like lunatics?  Just watch us.  Thankfully, the artists and attendees encouraged the uninitiated and welcomed us with open arms.  Delivering songs from most of his albums, the bulk of 2011’s ‘England Keep My Bones‘ and even a few new tracks, there seemed to be something for everyone.  Suffice to say, I had a blast.  The only downside to the evening is that this was the last show of the band’s tour before they go into the studio to record their next album.  While I greatly anticipate the disc that Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls will be releasing next year, I have to admit that I am just as excited looking forward to the next time I can see them play again.

With Webster Hall’s top-notch FOH, Creegan, on the controls and joined by the band’s equally superb engineer, Casey, at the helm, the sound was just about perfect for this night.  We were able to get a board feed to accompany our microphones and the resultant recording is excellent.  We hope you like what you hear as much as we did, and even sing, clap and dance to it if you want to.  Enjoy!

Special thanks to Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls for making this recording possible, and to Creegan and the staff at Webster Hall for their courtesy and cooperation.

Stream “Peggy Sang the Blues”:


Stream “I Knew Prufrock Before He Got Famous”:


Direct download of the complete show in MP3 [HERE]
Direct download of the complete show in FLAC [HERE]

If either of the links are no longer working, email nyctaper with a request for the download location of the files.

Follow Johnny Fried Chicken Boy on Twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense.  The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission.  Please respect our request.

Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Webster Hall
New York, NY, USA
(openers: Larry and His Flask / Jenny Owen Youngs)

Source: SBD + Milab VM-44 Links (cardioid) > Edirol R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz)
Lineage: R-44 > PC > Adobe Audition (mixdown, downsample, dither, tracking) > WAV (16-bit/44.1kHz) > TLH (check/fix SBE’s, FLAC conversion) > FLAC ( level 8 )
Frank Turner’s sound engineer: Casey
Webster Hall house engineer: Creegan
Recorded and produced by: Johnny Fried Chicken Boy

[Total time: 1:29:27]
01. Eulogy
02. The Road
03. Peggy Sang the Blues
04. Long Live the Queen
05. Glory Hallelujah
06. Reasons Not to Be an Idiot
07. One Fine Day
08. Wessex Boy
09. Substitute
10. Wherefore Art Thou Gene Simmons?
11. [banter]
12. Dan’s Song
13. I Knew Prufrock Before He Got Famous
14. I Am Disappeared
15. One Foot Before the Other
16. [banter]
17. Four Simple Words
18. Try This at Home
19. I Still Believe
20. [encore break / banter]
21. St. Christopher Is Coming Home
22. If Ever I Stray
23. Photosynthesis

If you download this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls, visit their website, visit their Facebook and MySpace pages, and purchase their official releases and merchandise [HERE], at Amazon and at iTunes.  And go see their shows.  Yes, most definitely do that.

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7 Responses to Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls: September 30, 2012 Webster Hall – FLAC / MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

  1. Hugh C
    October 18, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    The man himself Frank Turner just tweeted me on over here to download this!

  2. Tyler
    October 18, 2012 at 8:58 pm

    thanks for the upload! Just wish you would’ve properly named the files so every user doesn’t have to.

  3. Taylor
    October 18, 2012 at 11:15 pm

    I made an album cover for the recording, its wicked awesome (the recording). How do I submit the cover?

  4. JFCB
    October 18, 2012 at 11:40 pm

    Very glad you folks like the upload; please enjoy and share it!

    @ Taylor: you can’t submit the cover you made here but if you upload it to a picture hosting site like Photobucket, ImageShack or Flickr, you’re welcome to post the link to it here in the comments and in the Frank Turner forums, and hopefully will.

    @ Tyler: all the MP3 and FLAC files are properly tagged for iTunes and other digital playback software and devices. They are also properly labeled and named according to etree standards so I’m not sure what issue you’re having.

  5. Simon Cope
    October 19, 2012 at 3:44 am

    Great review, and thanks for the download! By the time I see Frank in November (three times in a week ha ha) it’ll take my total to 20 times live. Outstanding live performer, and a nice guy too.

  6. JJ
    October 19, 2012 at 7:18 am

    Thank you so much for this. I had so much fun at this show, and I’m ecstatic to have a recording of it thanks to you. Cheers!

  7. seamiedev
    December 13, 2012 at 4:35 pm

    WOW WOW & WOW again, many thanks from ireland for this one, myself & some friends had our first Frank Turner gig in Galway last Friday, this is ver much appreciated……….

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