[Photo by Jason Persse. Used with permission]
The final day of this year’s ATP “I’ll Be Your Mirror” festival in Asbury Park, NJ found the festival split between a hip-hop dominated Convention Hall (Ultramagnetic MCs and Public Enemy), and the Paramount Theatre across the concourse hosting (along with Jeff Mangum’s second set of the weekend) some incredible post-rock performances, including Earth (which we posted recently) and Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra. SMZ (to use the favored shorthand) were the final act that I saw at the festival, and their grandiose, challenging performance sent me home on a high note. SMZ is anchored by guitarist/vocalist Efrim Menuck, who plays guitar in Godspeed You Black Emperor! along with SMZ bandmates and co-founders Thierry Amar and Sophie Trudeau.
SMZ’s similarities to GYBE are about as numerous as its contrasts from it. The contrasts are obvious, starting with Menuck’s bombastic, harsh vocals, which he sing/speaks in a punk rock style. Like GYBE, SMZ compositions are lengthy and follow a classical, narrative structure rather than pop’s verse/chorus/verse style. The use of string instruments also gives SMZ a classical feel that echoes GYBE, but SMZ’s storytelling is distinct. Where GYBE relies on symbolism and found sounds to tell their story, Menuck’s overtly political vocals make SMZ’s approach more direct. Menuck engaged the audience repeatedly between songs, decrying the right-wing (for Canada, anyway) regime of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and giving a shout-out to the 99% whose Occupy Wall Street movement continues to grow. True to form, this 90-minute set consisted of just six compositions, primarily drawn from 2008’s 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons rather than the band’s current effort, Kollaps Tradixionales, from which they played only “There Is A Light”. A new number, “What We Loved Was Not Enough”, was also performed, but my personal highlight was “Black Waters Blowed/Engine Broke Blues” from Thirteen Moons, a huge two-part number with strong vocal harmonies between Menuck and Trudeau, excellent stringwork, and a cataclysmic crescendo worthy of these Montreal artists’ unique style.
I recorded this set with the DPA microphones from an ideal spot in the venue. Other than some rustling noises and an evident volume adjustment during the first four minutes of “BlindBlindBlind”, the sound quality is quite good (though not as good as the Earth set from almost the same spot). Enjoy!
Stream “What We Loved Was Not Enough”
[audio:https://www.nyctaper.com/S0012SilverMtZion2011/08 What We Loved Was Not Enough.mp3]
Stream “Black Waters Blowed/Engine Broke Blues”
[audio:https://www.nyctaper.com/S0012SilverMtZion2011/07 Black Waters Blowed_Engine Broke Blues.mp3]
Download the FLAC and MP3 files and stream the entire show on the Live Music Archive [HERE]
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Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra
ATP presents I’ll Be Your Mirror
Paramount Theatre
Asbury Park, NJ USA
An acidjack master recording
Recorded and produced by acidjack for nyctaper.com
DPA 4021 (FOB, DFC)>Denecke PS/2>PCM-M10 (24/44.1)>24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (set fades, EQ, tracking, amplify and balance)>FLAC ( level 8 )
01 [intro]
02 BlindBlindBlind
03 [banter]
04 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons
05 [banter]
06 There Is A Light
07 Black Waters Blowed/Engine Broke Blues
08 What We Loved Was Not Enough
09 [banter]
10 Horses in the Sky
If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra, visit their website, and purchase SMZ, Godspeed Your Black Emperor!, and Efrim’s official releases from Constellation Records [HERE]
thanks so much for taping! I was waiting to hear it. They are also on LMA in case you didn’t know: http://www.archive.org/details/ASilverMtZion.
Excellent, thank you for sharing this :)