[photo courtesy of Brian C. Reilly and Bowery Houselist]
An Explosions In The Sky concert can be an emotional experience simply because of the depth and breadth of the music created on stage. At Wellmont Theatre on Monday night, EITS performed a ninety-minute set of their post-rock mini-symphonies to a rapt audience. There were a few hoots and some random clapping, but for the most part the 2000 capacity crowd were mesmerized. Inexplicably, there was a toddler in the balcony and at the most quiet moments of the music, she could be heard throughout the theatre. EITS are touring on their newest album Take Care, Take Care, Take Care, but the set featured only two new tracks and songs were selected judiciously throughout their catalog. We have chosen to stream “The Birth and Death of the Day”, the opening track from their 2007 release All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone, and a piece of extraordinary beauty. The song is a reversal of the common EITS structure as it opens with a crashing of the instruments and evolves into a simple but quietly eloquent multi-guitar passage. The Explosions In The Sky world tour continues through January.
Hi and Lo and I recorded this set from the front and center balcony rail. This location afforded us a direct line to the huge stacks and also provided a tremendous soundstage. We combined his Schoeps hypers with the DPA 4021s and the result is a tremendously rich and deep recording. Enjoy!
The Antlers opening set was also recorded and will be posted soon.
Stream “The Birth and Death of the Day”:
This Recording is now available to Download in FLAC and MP3 at Archive.org [HERE].
Explosions In The Sky
Wellmont Theatre
Montclair, NJ USA
Four-Track Digital Master Recording
Recorded from Front Center of Balcony Rail
Schoeps MK-41 > PSP2 + DPA 4021’s > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > Flac Frontend (level 7, align sector boundaries) > flac
Recorded and Produced by
nyctaper and hi and lo
[Total Time 1:26:07]
01 [introduction]
02 The Only Moment We Were Alone
03 Last Known Surroundings
04 Catastrophe and the Cure
05 Postcard From 1952
06 Greet Death
07 Six Days at the Bottom of the Ocean
08 Let Me Back In
09 The Birth and Death of the Day
10 The Moon Is Down
If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Explosions in the Sky, visit their website, and purchase Take Care, Take Care, Take Care and their other official releases directly from their online store [HERE]
Holy shit…. you guys really did kill it with this one. Beautiful pull. Nicely done!
…also some really nice person must’ve given you these tix :)))
This venue sounds much better than some people led us to believe!
thank you, saw them earlieer thsi year in europe, great show, great recordings
3 songs are from actual LP
Thanks a bunch. That is a fantastic setlist! jealous :)