Posts Tagged ‘ Tengger ’

Tengger: October 1, 2023 Tubby’s Fifth Anniversary

October 31, 2023

Today begins our coverage of Tubby’s Fifth Anniversary party with deep Kosmische zones courtesy of Tengger

The Pan-Asian traveling family came to town on day 3 of the event to play at the outdoor stage the Tubby’s team put together by turning Field Court into a block party.  It’s hard to express how emotional this set was to see and hear.  When I first moved to Kingston, nearly 20 years ago, the idea that I would spend a Sunday afternoon in a dead-end street off Broadway doing anything other than being mugged would have been an impossibility. Instead, several hundred people stood still and quiet and let Tengger’s sound fill their hearts and souls. The zones were so deep that at least two people were laid out across the ground; staring into the sky and probably much further while RAAI walked through the crowd chiming bells. It’s this exact spirit of adventurous acceptance that I’ve come to love and expect of Tubby’s crowds. 

Tengger’s sonic makeup is an interesting dichotomy.  In constructing their drones and soundscapes they often rely on making the very quiet seem very huge.  This is a complicated issue from a sound and production stance because there is A LOT of gain involved and that often means a lot of feedback. A touch of that is evident during the first track, Water, but Tubby’s super team of Will on house mix and Kyle on monitors tamed the beast quickly.  I recorded this from the Soundboard with my MBHO’s and the FOH team’s superb mix.  The sound is excellent, and I truly hope it was heard throughout the entire town. 

Special thanks to friend of the site Mike Newman for facilitating things with the band and getting the ok to post this! 

Download in FLAC and MP3

mr_kliked · Tengger2023-10-1

Field Court Stage
Kingston, NY
Tubby’s 5th Anniversary

Source: MBHO 440 (at Soundboard) + SDB > Zoom F8 > Adobe Audition/Izotope 9 > Audacity Flac (lvl8) > Mp3Tag

Thanks to Tubby’s FOH Engineer Will for the patch!

  1. Water
  2. Achime
  4. Beautiful Ocean
  6. High

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