[Photo courtesy of Constance Mensh for Paradise of Bachelors]
Chris Forsyth has a body of work that’s deeper and more diverse than that of most artists twice his age. But he may have produced his finest work to date with his first release for Paradise of Bachelors, Solar Motel. which comes out at the end of this month. Joined by a group of players (Paul Sukeena on guitar, Peter Kerlin on bass and Steven Urgo on drums) that he calls the Solar Motel Band, his new psychedelic art-rock outfit, Forsyth gave the assembled crowd for the Paradise of Bachelors / WXYC day show the great privilege of playing the new record straight through. The four-movement record has a power and narrative structure all its own, suggesting that even with his many accomplishments as a guitarist, Forsyth may be even better in the role of bandleader.
I recorded this set with Schoeps MK4V microphones from the exact spot you can see in the photo above. Put the headphones on and let Forsyth and the Solar Motel Band take you on a journey you won’t soon forget. Enjoy!
Solar Motel is available for pre-order now.
Downloads available at the Live Music Archive
Chris Forsyth & the Solar Motel Band
Paradise of Bachelors Day Show
Louise “Scottie” Stephenson Amphitheatre
Raleigh, NC USA
Schoeps MK4V>KC5>CMC6>Edirol R-44 [Oade Concert Mod]>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (mix down, adjustments)>Izotope Ozone 5 (tube effect, compression, EQ)>Audacity 2.03 (tracking, fades, amplify, balance, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 )
01 Solar Motel Part I>
02 Solar Motel Park II
03 [banter]
04 Solar Motel Part III
05 Solar Motel Part IV
If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Chris Forsyth, visit his website, pre-order Solar Motel from Paradise of Bachelors and buy his other releases from the links here.
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